KaneFan29 MI Hall of Famer Jan 8, 2018 2,044 2,868 113 Friday at 8:57 AM #2 OKG! Reactions: FarWestTexas and utep-piggy
M MinerManiac MI Miner Maniac Jun 28, 2001 5,878 8,924 113 Friday at 12:37 PM #3 Wow. If guilty, throw the book at him Reactions: FarWestTexas
U utep1966 MI Regular Feb 15, 2024 1,416 818 113 Friday at 12:45 PM #4 Terrible. Innocent before proven guilty, but this guy deserves bad news if found guilty. Reactions: FarWestTexas and FeralFelidae
KaneFan29 MI Hall of Famer Jan 8, 2018 2,044 2,868 113 Yesterday at 6:36 PM #5 UTEP player arrested for assaulting pregnant girlfriend, unlawful restraint New information was revealed on the arrest of a UTEP football player. kfoxtv.com
UTEP player arrested for assaulting pregnant girlfriend, unlawful restraint New information was revealed on the arrest of a UTEP football player. kfoxtv.com