OT: Covid


MI Hall of Famer
Apr 26, 2016
Yanno, it's been 2 effing years. NO one has an effing clue. I don't care if you are an ass kisser or pinchi beto or escobar (2step) the bottom line is easy in my common sense mind.

Biden SAID he would end this. We cant.. Mandatory vaccinations doesn't end this. Sadly, it must run its course. Stop paying these bitches that know less that us.

Yanno, it's been 2 effing years. NO one has an effing clue. I don't care if you are an ass kisser or pinchi beto or escobar (2step) the bottom line is easy in my common sense mind.

Biden SAID he would end this. We cant.. Mandatory vaccinations doesn't end this. Sadly, it must run its course. Stop paying these bitches that know less that us.

A lot of people haven't followed the mandates. You can issue mandates every day if 40% of the population doesn't follow them how effective will they be?
Trump said it didn’t exist…. So, there’s that too. Stop blaming politicians and put a mask on folks…. #keepfauci at work they are now requiring those ugly N95 mask. I’m good, with my stylish Chinese black ones, laced with the china virus. 😂
"Omicron, with its extraordinary, unprecedented degree of efficiency of transmissibility, will ultimately find just about everybody." Dr. Anthony Fauci

Guess that makes masks optional now :rolleyes:😂🤡
Went to the cowboys vs cardinals game with a group of 14. 12 of us flew out of el paso together, we all rode everywhere in the same passenger van, all of us stayed in the same house, we all tailgated together. When we got back one dude tested positive. Of course the dude wasn't vaccinated (which we didn't know when we left el paso) and the only time he wear a mask was on the flights and at the tailgate because it was so damn cold. I guess it was karma for either not putting money in for alcohol or his non-football fan status cheering for the cardinals (just to piss everyone off), but I'm sure it wasn't because he didn't vaxed or wear his mask. Everyone else tested negative.
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I really could care less about democrats or republicans. I DO know most politicians are corrupt. I trusted faucci from the start, but after listening to him for 2 years, it is obvious he has no clue any more that I do.
We are vaccinated. I don't know if we've had it or not. I think getting tested when there are no symptoms is crazy. So now we have more cases....and? look at hospital rates, and I mean of people that are actually in the hospitals BECAUSE of covid, not in the hospital and now they have it.
This crap spreads no matter what we do. The crappy masks are about as worthless as tits on a boar.
Pushing a mandated vaccination is insane. It has been stated multiple times by MANY different experts that the vaccine does NOT prevent you from getting it. It's use is to help you if/when you do get it. It also has no use in preventing you from spreading it either. Making people get the shot to work is basically ordering them to protect themselves so you don't lose an employee. Ridiculous.

The fact is this....we should encourage people to get vaccinated, but not force them to do so. Encourage people to wear a mask, but never make it mandatory. And closing ANY business has got to be the dumbest way to "slow the spread" to have ever taken place. (btw Australia are a bunch of idiots too)

This subject burns my ass. Both administrations have fed us BS and say "follow the science". (fuacci) After 2 years the smartest people on the planet cant figure out how to fix this? their only answer is vaccine mandates, masks, and lockdowns? STFU!

At any rate....peace out
Trump said it didn’t exist…. So, there’s that too. Stop blaming politicians and put a mask on folks…. #keepfauci at work they are now requiring those ugly N95 mask. I’m good, with my stylish Chinese black ones, laced with the china virus. 😂
I thought Trump called it the China Virus because it comes from China.
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I don't know, but I'm glad I was vaccinated and had my mask, because that dude sat in the seat next to me at the game and would sit behind me in the van. Not to mention we were in the same house and staying up late at night and drinking in the living room
Trump said it didn’t exist…. So, there’s that too. Stop blaming politicians and put a mask on folks…. #keepfauci at work they are now requiring those ugly N95 mask. I’m good, with my stylish Chinese black ones, laced with the china virus. 😂
Here's my view....I work in a bar. I interact with at least 80 people per day, 99% unmasked. I greet ladies with a hug, men with a handshake. We sit right next to each other. I am unmasked all day, every day. I've been doing the same since I reopened. Now, I do use sanitizing agents on everything daily and wash my hands frequently. I also have to hit up stores at least 4 times a week, unmasked. I haven't caught it. Am I just lucky so far? Perhaps. I do know that I have a LOT of friends going unmasked and have not caught it either.

I have a friend that still works from home, lives alone, goes to get groceries once a month bundled up like a surgeon. He caught it. How does this shit make ANY sense? I also have a friend that is a GM mail delivery service store. I think he sleeps with his mask on. LOL He has been sick damn near the entire last 2 months. He tests every other day and is always negative. IDK

And now there is coach Jim Forbes. Dude is in the hospital trying to fight off Covid. If you think he wasn't masking up and didn't have the vaccine, you are nuts. But there he is.....

Again, if it makes you feel more secure wearing a mask, fine....wear it. I don't judge people that choose to wear one. (Except idiots in a car alone) There is zero scientific evidence proving masks do a damn thing. The entire globe was masking up and locking down. Shit still spread like a California wildfire.

And PLEASE don't blame the few who aren't vaccinated or wearing a mask for the shit spreading. That's just ignorant.
El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego asked the community to self-report positive COVID-19 results conducted from at-home tests.

“It's like El Paso is playing basketball without a scoreboard. They don’t know fully what’s going on,” Samaniego said.

I'm not a doctor, but I believe that I am reasonably intelligent, and have tried to keep myself informed on COVID 19. My opinions are not formed from reading about anyone's anecdotal evidence, nor by listening to or reading what any politicians have to say, nor by anything posted by left or right wing social media. I instead have listened to organizations whose members are recognized as experts in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and/or treating sick patients. Every major medical organization that I know of, whether it be the CDC, WHO, Mayo Clinic, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc. (the list goes on and on) recommends getting vaccinated, wearing a mask, frequently washing/sanitizing your hands, avoiding large, densely packed crowds, etc. As I read posts on this board, read other stuff that I find online, and listen to some of the things that people say on TV on radio, I am struck by several thoughts:

1. Politicians are not typically doctors or infectious disease experts. Most often they are lawyers or businessmen. If what they say differs from what the true experts say, ignore them.

2. The fact that someone claiming to be a doctor might disagree with guidance from the CDC, WHO, Mayo Clinic, etc. doesn't mean that you should follow what they say because they are an expert. Flat Earthers have "experts" claiming that the Earth is flat. There are some physicists that believe in cold nuclear fusion, though no one can reproduce their results. Some like to romanticize those in a field that go against what everyone else their field believes, believing them to be brave, honest souls fighting the good fight against a corrupt system. While there might be instances of this happening in history, this is almost never the way it works. In science, if your new theory is reproducible and/or can be proven, it will become adopted by the community. Copernicus and Galileo were persecuted by the Catholic Church, not by other scientists. Einstein's theory of relativity, unlike Newtonian mechanics, violates intuition, yet was quickly adopted despite it being so revolutionary. When Geiger and Marsden's gold foil experiment was reproduced by other scientists it meant the end of the Bohr model of the atom (though this model is unfortunately still the one most used to visualize the atom). If any of these lone wolf doctors had anything to say that they could defend they would be heard by their communities rather than just gathering a following of kooks on social media. Don't listen to the quacks.

3. Anecdotal evidence is meaningless. If you tell me that you walked across a busy street blindfolded and didn't get a scratch on you I'm still not going to believe that this is safe behavior. TellIng me that your great aunt Sally smoked two pack of cigarettes a day and lived to be 101 won't change my opinion of smoking. The advice the experts give us is based a forming two large groups, a control group and an experimental group, testing their hypotheses with the experimental group, and determining if there are statistically significant differences between the groups. It doesn't matter that you don't follow any of the recommended steps for preventing COVID yet still haven't contracted while your friend who was careful to a fault, ended up getting sick. Anecdotal evidence means nothing compared to well designed scientific studies.

4. EVERYONE does not know that the COVID 19 vaccine does not protect you from contracting the disease. From the CDC: i

If you took the time to at least skim through the article you saw that the antibodies that you receive from the vaccine do indeed reduce the chance of contracting and spreading the disease. There is a reason why I bolded the word "reduce'. It is still possible for crossover infections, like it's possible for there to be crossover infections from any vaccine that you have received. And for the COVID 19 vaccines it has been shown that this protection deteriorates with time, hence the reason for the booster shots. If you do happen to get a crossover infection your risks for hospitalization and death are greatly reduced.

5. If I walked down the street without wearing some type of cloth over certain parts of my body not only would people recoil in disgust, I could get arrested. We've all (well, maybe not some nudists) accepted the fact that there are certain parts of our bodies that we have to cover up. I have yet to hear of a case where protestors condemn parents for sending their kids to school with clothes on, or of a restaurant receiving a bunch of negative Yelp reviewers for a "No shirt, no shoes, no service" sign. But ask people to wear one more piece of cloth, this one over your mouth and nose, and people act like they're in Nazi Germany. It's stupid. My not wearing cloth over certain parts of my body only violates you sensibilities (and your eyes, your poor eyes). My not wearing a cloth around my mouth and nose could potentially result in much more serious consequences for you (though your eyes might disagree).

My final thought is that I love the internet. It allows us to share knowledge and entertainment, keep in touch with our loved ones, and so much more. But there is a downside: it allows for hate groups to more easy spread their hate, conspiracy groups to share their thoughts with a much wider audience, and for anti-science beliefs (anti vax, COVID denial, flat earth, etc.) to gain steam. Please try to understand whom your getting your information from, and try to make sure that it's from a trustworthy source.
The media and the system made it political. You cannot expect a Politician to solve a medical crisis. The media blew their roles way out of proportion. The virus is worse now than ever but there was nothing Biden Could have done. A virus is a virus. But Since CNN and MSNBC blamed Trump for every death and had a death counter on their networks, naturally the other side is going to blame Biden. ITs dumb, its a virus. And we should have had the same risk analysis of every other virus. Protect yourself, dont go to work if your sick, and if you're part of the .03% who are at risk of dying take the extra precautions.
2. The fact that someone claiming to be a doctor might disagree with guidance from the CDC, WHO, Mayo Clinic, etc. doesn't mean that you should follow what they say because they are an expert. Flat Earthers have "experts" claiming that the Earth is flat. There are some physicists that believe in cold nuclear fusion, though no one can reproduce their results. Some like to romanticize those in a field that go against what everyone else their field believes, believing them to be brave, honest souls fighting the good fight against a corrupt system. While there might be instances of this happening in history, this is almost never the way it works. In science, if your new theory is reproducible and/or can be proven, it will become adopted by the community. Copernicus and Galileo were persecuted by the Catholic Church, not by other scientists. Einstein's theory of relativity, unlike Newtonian mechanics, violates intuition, yet was quickly adopted despite it being so revolutionary. When Geiger and Marsden's gold foil experiment was reproduced by other scientists it meant the end of the Bohr model of the atom (though this model is unfortunately still the one most used to visualize the atom). If any of these lone wolf doctors had anything to say that they could defend they would be heard by their communities rather than just gathering a following of kooks on social media. Don't listen to the quacks.

The doctor who's study "proved" that the MMR vaccine caused Autism comes to mind. His study was flawed and did not follow proper scientific methods. The study could not be reproduced and I think, if recall correctly, the conclusion was that the study's data was falsified. The initial study results got MASSIVE publicity, but the subsequent retraction of the study, discredit of the scholar and loss of medical license got zero attention. This highlights one of the many problems of social media; the person with the loudest microphone that spews off something first gets the credit, regardless if it the message is correct or not.
The doctor who's study "proved" that the MMR vaccine caused Autism comes to mind. His study was flawed and did not follow proper scientific methods. The study could not be reproduced and I think, if recall correctly, the conclusion was that the study's data was falsified. The initial study results got MASSIVE publicity, but the subsequent retraction of the study, discredit of the scholar and loss of medical license got zero attention. This highlights one of the many problems of social media; the person with the loudest microphone that spews off something first gets the credit, regardless if it the message is correct or not.
An absolutely perfect example. Every researcher involved in that study, with the exception of the primary author, has disavowed the conclusions reached in that paper. But the ant-vaxers, instead of realizing that it was shoddy science that should be ignored, hail the primary author as a hero, one with the courage and conviction to stand up to the medical community. In reality he is a quack.
Here's my view....I work in a bar. I interact with at least 80 people per day, 99% unmasked. I greet ladies with a hug, men with a handshake. We sit right next to each other. I am unmasked all day, every day. I've been doing the same since I reopened. Now, I do use sanitizing agents on everything daily and wash my hands frequently. I also have to hit up stores at least 4 times a week, unmasked. I haven't caught it. Am I just lucky so far? Perhaps. I do know that I have a LOT of friends going unmasked and have not caught it either.

I have a friend that still works from home, lives alone, goes to get groceries once a month bundled up like a surgeon. He caught it. How does this shit make ANY sense? I also have a friend that is a GM mail delivery service store. I think he sleeps with his mask on. LOL He has been sick damn near the entire last 2 months. He tests every other day and is always negative. IDK

And now there is coach Jim Forbes. Dude is in the hospital trying to fight off Covid. If you think he wasn't masking up and didn't have the vaccine, you are nuts. But there he is.....

Again, if it makes you feel more secure wearing a mask, fine....wear it. I don't judge people that choose to wear one. (Except idiots in a car alone) There is zero scientific evidence proving masks do a damn thing. The entire globe was masking up and locking down. Shit still spread like a California wildfire.

And PLEASE don't blame the few who aren't vaccinated or wearing a mask for the shit spreading. That's just ignorant.
Well yeah, pretty much everone is pretty much fully vaxed at the bar... My group of friends have yet to catch it, we're fully vaxed... We do have one person we know and he ain't vaxed and already got that shit twice
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Maniac, you are probably one of the most respected posters on here.

However, I believe you are missing my points. I am by no means anti-vax, seeing that my wife and I are vaccinated. So is the rest of my family except my 9 year old son which we have decided not to vaccinate as there isn't enough info. We chose to get the shots to protect ourselves. I'm an old fat dude. Why take a chance? LOL My point is it should be our CHOICE whether or not to get the shots. Just because having the vaccine MAY reduce your chances of getting it (not enough studies to determine accurately), isn't a good enough reason to mandate it to go to work. Nurses put their lives on the line during the mass infections initially when there was no shots yet. Now you want to say get vaccinated or you are fired? Seriously? Pilots must be vaccinated and they are locked in a cabin with ONE other person!
It was reported just this morning that the CDC is saying the cloth mask provide no protection. Yep....saw on the morning news. This is my point with the CDC, they change direction way too often. The thing is, I understand why. This is a NEW virus. They are learning as we go. BUT, that also doesn't mean just trust them because they say so today. I even remember an infectious disease specialist a while back contracted it and claimed he got it thru his eyes!
Doing some reading on the net also shows to me that it takes YEARS to get a real grasp of a new virus. Yes, this shit started in China. There are actually trails connecting faucci to that lab, but I digress. Since it originated in China, why can't they figure something out?

My stance is simply this. Screw social media. Screw MSM. Way too much crap. Depending on which way you lean, you can find supporting points for your view. I use common sense. Was it Norway that is like 90% vaccinated yet they get a few cases and shut the country down again? Same with Australia. We REALLY have ZERO clue how it spreads, and that is scary. Daily they state omicron is highly contagious, yet not very aggressive or dangerous. So why are we freaking out again? Fear factor for better ratings...

I'm definitely not a conspiracy theorist. I "try" to sit back and analyze and make decisions based on fact and logic. At the same time, I don't blindly believe "experts" just because they say so either. (my wife, and accountant, would be proud lol)

And as someone said, the media HAS politicized this. Many time I heard "all these deaths are on Trumps hands". Biden said "I have a plan to end the pandemic", yet birds are chirping. The deaths were NOT on Trump, nor is it Biden's fault we are still here.

Bottom line is mandates are not productive. Never have been, never will be.
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I wonder if any companies are working on a potential attenuated COVID vaccine? They seem to be much better at decreasing the spread of diseases as well as helping the body to fight them, however they usually take years to formulate. The MRNA vaccines seem to not work at all regarding the spread of COVID/ variants.
Maniac, you are probably one of the most respected posters on here.

However, I believe you are missing my points. I am by no means anti-vax, seeing that my wife and I are vaccinated. So is the rest of my family except my 9 year old son which we have decided not to vaccinate as there isn't enough info. We chose to get the shots to protect ourselves. I'm an old fat dude. Why take a chance? LOL My point is it should be our CHOICE whether or not to get the shots. Just because having the vaccine MAY reduce your chances of getting it (not enough studies to determine accurately), isn't a good enough reason to mandate it to go to work. Nurses put their lives on the line during the mass infections initially when there was no shots yet. Now you want to say get vaccinated or you are fired? Seriously? Pilots must be vaccinated and they are locked in a cabin with ONE other person!
It was reported just this morning that the CDC is saying the cloth mask provide no protection. Yep....saw on the morning news. This is my point with the CDC, they change direction way too often. The thing is, I understand why. This is a NEW virus. They are learning as we go. BUT, that also doesn't mean just trust them because they say so today. I even remember an infectious disease specialist a while back contracted it and claimed he got it thru his eyes!
Doing some reading on the net also shows to me that it takes YEARS to get a real grasp of a new virus. Yes, this shit started in China. There are actually trails connecting faucci to that lab, but I digress. Since it originated in China, why can't they figure something out?

My stance is simply this. Screw social media. Screw MSM. Way too much crap. Depending on which way you lean, you can find supporting points for your view. I use common sense. Was it Norway that is like 90% vaccinated yet they get a few cases and shut the country down again? Same with Australia. We REALLY have ZERO clue how it spreads, and that is scary. Daily they state omicron is highly contagious, yet not very aggressive or dangerous. So why are we freaking out again? Fear factor for better ratings...

I'm definitely not a conspiracy theorist. I "try" to sit back and analyze and make decisions based on fact and logic. At the same time, I don't blindly believe "experts" just because they say so either. (my wife, and accountant, would be proud lol)

And as someone said, the media HAS politicized this. Many time I heard "all these deaths are on Trumps hands". Biden said "I have a plan to end the pandemic", yet birds are chirping. The deaths were NOT on Trump, nor is it Biden's fault we are still here.

Bottom line is mandates are not productive. Never have been, never will be.
Even the borrachos are complaining 😂
Meh, you complain all the time, at the least we pass out for a part of the day
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Here's my view....I work in a bar. I interact with at least 80 people per day, 99% unmasked. I greet ladies with a hug, men with a handshake. We sit right next to each other. I am unmasked all day, every day. I've been doing the same since I reopened. Now, I do use sanitizing agents on everything daily and wash my hands frequently. I also have to hit up stores at least 4 times a week, unmasked. I haven't caught it. Am I just lucky so far? Perhaps. I do know that I have a LOT of friends going unmasked and have not caught it either.

I have a friend that still works from home, lives alone, goes to get groceries once a month bundled up like a surgeon. He caught it. How does this shit make ANY sense? I also have a friend that is a GM mail delivery service store. I think he sleeps with his mask on. LOL He has been sick damn near the entire last 2 months. He tests every other day and is always negative. IDK

And now there is coach Jim Forbes. Dude is in the hospital trying to fight off Covid. If you think he wasn't masking up and didn't have the vaccine, you are nuts. But there he is.....

Again, if it makes you feel more secure wearing a mask, fine....wear it. I don't judge people that choose to wear one. (Except idiots in a car alone) There is zero scientific evidence proving masks do a damn thing. The entire globe was masking up and locking down. Shit still spread like a California wildfire.

And PLEASE don't blame the few who aren't vaccinated or wearing a mask for the shit spreading. That's just ignorant.
Sad to hear about coach Forbes. Do you have an update on him? He was my coach at Riverside and I hope that he comes out of it well.
It's crazy that for the first two years I hardly heard of anyone I knew getting it. One or two here and there. In the last two months almost everyone I know has gotten it. None have been seriously ill and get over it quickly with mild to no symptoms.
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It's crazy that for the first two years I hardly heard of anyone I knew getting it. One or two here and there. In the last two months almost everyone I know has gotten it. None have been seriously ill and get over it quickly with mild to no symptoms.
Omicron is running through like wildfire, but definitely not making as many people as sick as last year's wave. Everybody take care.
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Omicron is running through like wildfire, but definitely not making as many people as sick as last year's wave. Everybody take care.
We probably have over 1/10 of our student body out of school right now. Over 100 students. Sheer numbers, Omicron is affecting far more people in my neck of the woods than any of the previous variants. Fortunately, as you alluded to I think, it’s not making people AS sick.

I’m recovering from it now. I’ve been sicker in my life, but it’s been no ****ing picnic the last 10 days. I’m double vaxed, but no booster.
We probably have over 1/10 of our student body out of school right now. Over 100 students. Sheer numbers, Omicron is affecting far more people in my neck of the woods than any of the previous variants. Fortunately, as you alluded to I think, it’s not making people AS sick.

I’m recovering from it now. I’ve been sicker in my life, but it’s been no ****ing picnic the last 10 days. I’m double vaxed, but no booster.
Vaccine may have saved your life.

I have a good friend who was hospitalized recently with Covid pneumonia (not vaccinated). He was in the hospital for about 10 days and got up to 15L of oxygen. He was really scared for his life and it was scary for me to see him that way. He is otherwise a very healthy young 40s who takes excellent care of himself. He was a shell of himself upon discharge, but doing much better now. He is still on oxygen though.
Man, I knew better than to make a joke about covid… my son just got it, and I’m pretty sure I have it too now… if you don’t hear from me anymore, I either became an NMSU Aggie or died. ✌️

Only did the laughing face in response to the 2nd part of your post. I had it last January in 2021. Hope you're vaxxed and boosted but either way hope it doesn't hit you like it hit me. I felt like I'd gone 1000 rounds with Ali and Foreman and Frazier and Hagler and Hearns and Leonard and Tyson all in the same fight.
We probably have over 1/10 of our student body out of school right now. Over 100 students. Sheer numbers, Omicron is affecting far more people in my neck of the woods than any of the previous variants. Fortunately, as you alluded to I think, it’s not making people AS sick.

I’m recovering from it now. I’ve been sicker in my life, but it’s been no ****ing picnic the last 10 days. I’m double vaxed, but no booster.

Dude, hope you really start feeling better soon. Covid is for real. Very happy to know you are vaxxed.
Dude, hope you really start feeling better soon. Covid is for real. Very happy to know you are vaxxed.
Thanks, man! Out of the woods. Back at work. Doing a lot better. I can appreciate a person’s right to choose for themselves whether or not to get vaxxed, however it was an easy choice for me. Only thing I’d change is, I should have made it more of a priority to get the booster also.
Vaccine may have saved your life.

I have a good friend who was hospitalized recently with Covid pneumonia (not vaccinated). He was in the hospital for about 10 days and got up to 15L of oxygen. He was really scared for his life and it was scary for me to see him that way. He is otherwise a very healthy young 40s who takes excellent care of himself. He was a shell of himself upon discharge, but doing much better now. He is still on oxygen though.
I am an otherwise healthy guy, however have had pneumonia twice in my life. I hear that makes me more susceptible to getting it again. So, if there was ever any concern, it was the possibility of getting it for a 3rd time. Never really dropped too deep into my lungs, though. I’m thankful to have had the vaccine.

Glad to hear your friend is doing better!!
I am an otherwise healthy guy, however have had pneumonia twice in my life. I hear that makes me more susceptible to getting it again. So, if there was ever any concern, it was the possibility of getting it for a 3rd time. Never really dropped too deep into my lungs, though. I’m thankful to have had the vaccine.

Glad to hear your friend is doing better!!
Bacterial pneumonia seems to be a walk in the park compared to COVID. It extremely frustrating to treat as well. If it takes you far enough, there is no turning back.
The real problem with America is obesity and eating unhealthy foods . The government needs to push people to go out and stay active. If I was President I would make it a law that you have to excercise at least 1hr a day. I would put all of America on a diet. If people were in better shape , people would be more healthier and covid wouldn't be as deadly.
"Maniac, you are probably one of the most respected posters on here." Hasn't been proven and/or vetted for accuracy.

"It was reported just this morning that the CDC is saying the cloth mask provide no protection." Complete bullshit. Cloth masks offer less protection than N95, KN95 and other similar masks. CDC continues to recommend that you wear the most protective mask you can that fits well and that you will wear consistently.
I'm fact checking you just a bit 66. We can all help with misinformation by not posting falsehoods.

Doing some reading on the net also shows to me that it takes YEARS to get a real grasp of a new virus. Yes, this shit started in China. There are actually trails connecting faucci to that lab, but I digress. Since it originated in China, why can't they figure something out?

"My stance is simply this. Screw social media. Screw MSM. Way too much crap. Depending on which way you lean, you can find supporting points for your view." You cannot find credible evidence or legitimate information sources that say vaccines or masks are not effective in slowing the proliferation of COVID.
I do agree, it should be everyone's choice to either get the vaccine or not, or to wear a mask or not but it should also be your employer's choice to have unvaccinated people in their workplace, or not.

"Bottom line is mandates are not productive. Never have been, never will be." Everyone wears a seatbelt while driving (mandate), everyone has auto insurance (mandate). Everyone wears cloths while out in public (mandate), everyone that goes to school must have certain inoculations (mandate), etc. etc. etc.

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