8 of the 11 largest employers in El Paso would be considered Government jobs(Fort Bliss, The School Districts, UTEP, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Etc.). Those are usually good jobs, but the fact that 8 of the largest 11 employers are not private companies, means that we don't have as many private jobs as we should.
As for the private jobs, 7 of the 10 largest private employers in El Paso are Call Centers. The 14 largest Call Centers in El Paso employ more than 10,000 people. Many businesses like to locate their incoming Call Centers in El Paso because we have so many people who speak two languages. While some of the Call Center jobs can be decent paying, they are not high enough paying to move the needle higher when they make up such a large portion of our non-government paying jobs. In order to raise wages in El Paso, we will need more private jobs( that are not just Call Centers.)
As for the cost of living, that is correct as well, you can buy a much nicer house in El Paso for less than almost any other comparable city of size in the USA. However, we do have a relatively high property tax(offset some by having no State Income Tax).