Terry fails the Barbee Standard

How could you not love Barbee? He did very well versus NMSU, inherited a mess and had UTEP competing with Memphis in 3 years and made the NCAA Tourney. And he brought a very exciting style of basketball. Those people that wanted him gone were just those type of people that think there is only one way to do something.
Don't get me wrong, I thought the world of him. I said years ago he was like Rush's song "Tom Sawyer":

A modern day warrior
Mean, mean stride
Today's Tom Sawyer
Mean, mean pride

The dude had moxy and the first two years were tough. Now some of it was of his design.
I remember some fans being upset that Culpepper took so many ill advised shots as a freshman. It was seen as Barbee having poor player control.
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Who really cares? That’s great if a UTEP player makes the NBA and a solid career, but I only really care if they were good at UTEP. Julian Washburn played in the NBA, give me Randy Culpepper, Stefon Jackson, and Antonie Gillespie over him any day. I’ll take Brandon Wolfram over Derrick Caracter too.
And Culpepper was another Barbee recruit.

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