• axingfools1
    axingfools1 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Gotta win and win consistently for 3-4 years to start building back the fan base.
  • U
    utep1966 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Like what? I know you like to complain about everything, but what policies are you referring to?
  • U
    utep1966 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Yes, they aren't charging exorbitant fees. That's a good thing.
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Ok Fili. Which people were talking about it? Definitely not anyone making the decision. As you can see now, UTEP was only added to the...
  • FiliUTEP
    FiliUTEP replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Utep needs to start comparing themselves to the Mountain West not CUSA. A empty arena doesn't look good on Utep. In the next...
  • utep2step
  • utep2step
    utep2step replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Doesn’t UTEP lead CUSA in attendance most years? Look at FIU and SJSU for schools that are worse than UTEP at “attendance ball”.
  • jdubb66
    jdubb66 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Does anyone know what percentage of UTEP students live on campus. My guess is that it's probably less than 10%. Mostly athletes.
  • FiliUTEP
    FiliUTEP replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Looks like Utep broke enrollment record with 25k. And let's say faculty they are about 5k I'm just guessing. That is 30k. The Haskins...
  • Prospero915
    Prospero915 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    That makes sense, thanks. Seems like a huge waste of a building on game day then.
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Years and years of mediocre teams and ticket policies that don’t make sense in the real world, keep fans away. This isn’t a good team...
  • Firstdowndash
    Firstdowndash replied to the thread Tarteton State.
    Yes he is. I would venture to say the end result (W-L) would have been the same with a WASHED Billy G the last couple of years.
  • dementiajoe
    dementiajoe replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    It’s the UTEP way. 🤡
  • FiliUTEP
    FiliUTEP replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    Speaking of tickets and attendance. What is wrong with El Paso?? Golding has a good team and Haskins Center is empty . I hope attendance...
  • U
    utep1966 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    In the elements? lol You make it seem like it was below freezing and snowing. You must be a new fan because the ticket center on Mesa...
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread Tarteton State.
    He’s washed
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread UTEP ticket office.
    You’re telling me that they wouldn’t sell you tickets to the basketball game at the ticket center yesterday because it was hours or...
  • FiliUTEP
    FiliUTEP replied to the thread Tarteton State.
    When did Utep play Tarteton State? What conference do they play?? Is it a new school?
  • FiliUTEP
    FiliUTEP replied to the thread Pitts opts for draft.
    Another one.
  • Prospero915
    Prospero915 posted the thread UTEP ticket office in MinerDigs.
    I have a question: Why does the ticket center not sell athletics tickets on game days? I mostly buy tickets online and use the mobile...
  • Firstdowndash
    Firstdowndash replied to the thread Tarteton State.
    I would welcome Billy G back with open arms.
  • utep2step
    utep2step replied to the thread OT: Ominous Vibe.
    "“While they were being trained, they were even forbidden to show their faces. The Russian military tried to delete any video evidence...
  • minerfan_14
    minerfan_14 replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
  • utep2step
    utep2step replied to the thread Tarteton State.
