• U
    UTEPfan1966 replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
    How many are we losing? I've seen like 5 hit the portal, what about grads? Some of the kids he brought in just aren't working, I'm...
  • shyminer81
    shyminer81 replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
    UTEP is offering everyone lol... Going to be a whole new team next year. Again.
  • T
    T-6 Miner replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
    I bet he's still better than what we had this season.
  • N
    Utep 68 Super Seven 77
  • U
    Utep 80 Louisville 75
  • M
  • B
    There’s no way they’ll get into foul trouble on their home court against a mid major. They’ll beat us with their remaining athletes and...
  • M
    Minerinciter replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
  • B
    BillyFlava08 replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    They also missed an obvious facemask on Burrow that would’ve given them an automatic 1st down
  • utep2step
    utep2step replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    What the...?! 🫢🫢
  • TxRdKiller
    TxRdKiller replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    Cowboys suck. Will continue to suck as long as the Jones family owns the team. It really is that simple after the past 30 years.
  • utep2step
    utep2step replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    But, of course. C'mon Dallas fans?!
  • M
  • utep2step
    utep2step replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    "Tomorrow... Burning of the Cowshit jersey and caps..."-Cowboy fan on a WhatsApp group I'm in. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • minerfan_14
    minerfan_14 replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
  • R
    Rocketsr replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    You send a message and cut Amani Oruwariye immediately. Instead the Cowboys will probably give him a contract extension. This is...
  • M
  • FiliUTEP
    Cowboys also got a gift. I wish I could get a gift like this. 😲😲
  • D
    Dmanminer replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    Seems like someone put a curse on the Cowboys and a reverse for the Chief's.
  • S
    STexMiner replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    Ghost of Leon Lett shows up again.
  • F
    FeralFelidae replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    Damn, maybe the Cowboys shouldn't have blocked that punt.
  • L
    I caught the second half of the Duke game, and I thought Louisville wore down in the second half due to the short bench. The guys they...
  • M
    I don't either, but they both played surprisingly well against Seattle. If they could play that way against Louisville it would help us...
  • minerfan_14
    minerfan_14 replied to the thread Football Recruiting.
