Transfer Portal

Duhon was highly recruited he had like 12 offers. Odom should look at Tyrin Smith and Kelly akarie . Both had good years and went to bigger schools and were buried in the depth chart. These small school players should really rethink about transferring to teams that are loaded with talent.
Eso, Fili!!! That's a point we can both agree on.

Transfer Portal

Everyone WANTS him to win and succeed. Some don’t THINK he will accomplish that. Nobody is angry about recruiting rankings.

BTW, how did that 4* recruit from Auburn or whatever do this past season?

Power cartel teams are full of 4 and 5 star players and they are better than our zero and 1 star players of the past decade. They also get 90% of the attention from the people that do the rankings. A 2 star might actually be a 3 or a 1 but he’s not a 5 except in extremely rare cases. And yea we can all find the exceptions that prove the rule.

If you put Oregon’s team at utep under Walden he’d win the conference. They’d win it under Kug or Nord. The last time we had recruiting classes anywhere near this good was the Price years.

So in summary is anything guaranteed? No. But I’ll take the top recruiting class over the bottom every day of the week and twice on Sunday
I really believe the transfer portal needs to be limited to one and two transfers per person. This one and done, is doing nothing for 95% of the players. There is no way they are helping their development nor enhancing their education.
All these players believe they are going to the NFL. Most are not. Maybe they should think about their education and future instead of a few extra dollars. It’s not like UTEP has a ton of future NFL’ers. Maybe one or two every year. Anyhow, good luck to them! And as the saying goes: Don’t let the door hit you where the Good Lord split you.
