CUSATV audio


MI Hall of Famer
Feb 10, 2014
I mentioned earlier that I was forced to watch Aggie game on my phone due to a snafu with Stadium, but got it fixed today and watched it on my computer.
So...what's the deal? Couldn't hear Teicher at all; only the crowd and the PA announcer. Did everyone have this problem?
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Yes, it's pretty typical with After all these years, it's still terrible. This is what I do with, I mute the volume, and then open the UTEP app, (Teicher and Yellen) and sync it... Works like a charm. For the life of me, why can't they just put it on ESPN+ like they do the FB games.
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Thanks for responding, but I'd still like to know
if everyone had the same dilemma. Guess we'll have another trial tonight.
BTW, I've done the same as you; mute the video & listen to Teicher .
Thanks for responding, but I'd still like to know
if everyone had the same dilemma. Guess we'll have another trial tonight.
BTW, I've done the same as you; mute the video & listen to Teicher .
I had the same problem, 1liner. Seems like there is always one issue or another.
I mentioned earlier that I was forced to watch Aggie game on my phone due to a snafu with Stadium, but got it fixed today and watched it on my computer.
So...what's the deal? Couldn't hear Teicher at all; only the crowd and the PA announcer. Did everyone have this problem?
I caught the intro to the Big600 ESPN post game after the NMSU game with Broaddus and he and his co-host, Sal Montes, swore it was not them nor UTEP but CUSA.

Don’t shoot the messenger 😝
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Someone mentioned the problem is the production truck that UTEP has is ancient and needs to be crushed in lieu of a brand new one for around $250,000 at the low end.
Someone mentioned the problem is the production truck that UTEP has is ancient and needs to be crushed in lieu of a brand new one for around $250,000 at the low end.
I don’t really think it costs $250,000 to overlay a radio call over a “tv” broadcast though…

Especially since they have done it for years
He played at Irvin before going to ucla. He lives in el paso and is a HUGE part of the local sports scene. His son is a stud athlete too.
He's the perfect choice.
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Where did Teicher go to college? I'll wait.....

UTEP grads are GREAT engineers, but not so great announcers..
I always had issue with Teicher working at Utep.
He isnt a Utep Alum. Utep isnt good at giving jobs to former Utep athletes.
I always had issue with Teicher working at Utep.
He isnt a Utep Alum. Utep isnt good at giving jobs to former Utep athletes.
Because they suck!

For the record, wasn't Cole an announcer last year? Cole is a cool dude, a UTEP Grad, and a resident of El Paso....however.....

We have a problem with your stupid posts constantly, but here we are....

This sounds like he is VERY qualified:

Ed Stansbury now resides in El Paso, TX. In 2015, he was inducted into the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame in the Living Athlete category. Mr. Stansbury has been a sports commentator for KTSM 9 (NBC Affiliate) Overtime for 9 seasons.[11] He also sits on the Board of Advisors for the Sun Bowl Association[12] and is the immediate past president of the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame.[13] Stansbury also served as the Director of Operations for the Greater EL Paso Football Showcase from 2015-2023. Stansbury is also the co-host of the Coldest Zone Podcast, ranked top 5% globally for downloads
Because they suck!

For the record, wasn't Cole an announcer last year? Cole is a cool dude, a UTEP Grad, and a resident of El Paso....however.....

We have a problem with your stupid posts constantly, but here we are....

This sounds like he is VERY qualified:

Ed Stansbury now resides in El Paso, TX. In 2015, he was inducted into the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame in the Living Athlete category. Mr. Stansbury has been a sports commentator for KTSM 9 (NBC Affiliate) Overtime for 9 seasons.[11] He also sits on the Board of Advisors for the Sun Bowl Association[12] and is the immediate past president of the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame.[13] Stansbury also served as the Director of Operations for the Greater EL Paso Football Showcase from 2015-2023. Stansbury is also the co-host of the Coldest Zone Podcast, ranked top 5% globally for downloads
Is Mondo a UTEP grad? 😄
This sounds like he is VERY qualified:

Ed Stansbury now resides in El Paso, TX. In 2015, he was inducted into the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame in the Living Athlete category. Mr. Stansbury has been a sports commentator for KTSM 9 (NBC Affiliate) Overtime for 9 seasons.[11] He also sits on the Board of Advisors for the Sun Bowl Association[12] and is the immediate past president of the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame.[13] Stansbury also served as the Director of Operations for the Greater EL Paso Football Showcase from 2015-2023. Stansbury is also the co-host of the Coldest Zone Podcast, ranked top 5% globally for downloads
I still dont see the Utep connection??
Ehh can't be worse than the previous group. I've always wondered why Teicher didn't do TV. He's already calling the game for radio. Why not do both
How about Krystal Poppin and Jon Dorenbos?
How about stop with the DEI hires already and get someone qualified? Ed is highly qualified and is in touch with the El Paso community.

Krystal Poppin the rapper? WTF Bro?
Dorrenbos? The long snapper and magician? At least he could make your dumbass disappear!

Why am I even bothering with you? Ridiculous...
How about stop with the DEI hires already and get someone qualified? Ed is highly qualified and is in touch with the El Paso community.

Krystal Poppin the rapper? WTF Bro?
Dorrenbos? The long snapper and magician? At least he could make your dumbass disappear!

Why am I even bothering with you? Ridiculous...

My two would get views and buzz. Mr.ED and Andy are boring.
Your nuts if you think either would add more views, anyone who will pay for ESPN plus will watch no matter who is on. And nobody will decide to pay if they are not already UTEP fans.

Oh I know.

Jon Dorenbos and Alvin Jones

Krystal Poppin could be sideline reporters. Wow I'm a genius. 👍👍👍
Because they suck!

For the record, wasn't Cole an announcer last year? Cole is a cool dude, a UTEP Grad, and a resident of El Paso....however.....

We have a problem with your stupid posts constantly, but here we are....

This sounds like he is VERY qualified:

Ed Stansbury now resides in El Paso, TX. In 2015, he was inducted into the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame in the Living Athlete category. Mr. Stansbury has been a sports commentator for KTSM 9 (NBC Affiliate) Overtime for 9 seasons.[11] He also sits on the Board of Advisors for the Sun Bowl Association[12] and is the immediate past president of the El Paso Athletic Hall of Fame.[13] Stansbury also served as the Director of Operations for the Greater EL Paso Football Showcase from 2015-2023. Stansbury is also the co-host of the Coldest Zone Podcast, ranked top 5% globally for downloads
"Stansbury is also the co-host of the Coldest Zone Podcast, ranked top 5% globally for downloads"

This sounds like something Fili would be all boned up about.
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