Lee Moore


MI Hall of Famer
Feb 10, 2014
Where was he? Think he had only 15 or so minutes. Didn't hear it mentioned during the game or post game or in the recap. Very strange.
The guys calling the game mentioned something about an altercation with Moore during the first half. I did not see anything and he did not play in the second half that I remember. Something is brewing.
My understanding was that Floyd got after Moore for something and Moore said something back to him that CTF didn't agree with.

In other words, Moore took up residence in the infamous CTF doghouse.
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He argued with the head coach? Yeah, I'm ok with him not playing.

Like my dad always said, find out who the boss is and do what he says. We don't have time for crap, if this is the real story.
FanatiCoog is right that is what I heard too. I can't help but think that if our leading scorer was in the game the outcome might have been different. CTF can get T'ed up with absolutely no accountability but a player can't talk back to him or else your in the doghouse?
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I get the what you are saying and I don't think they should mouth off but this is not the first time Floyd blows up at refs and I am a true believer in leading by example. How can you expect your players to behave when you don't? He's been ejected multiple times over his 6 seasons at the helm. You don't have to cut your nose off to spite your face. There are other ways to discipline without costing your team, school, and fans a possible victory.
Isn't that what got Lew Stallworth a one way ticket to McAllen? Well, it's been almost a year since someone got kicked off the team, so I guess we're overdue (if it happens).
Isn't that what got Lew Stallworth a one way ticket to McAllen? Well, it's been almost a year since someone got kicked off the team, so I guess we're overdue (if it happens).

Moore > Stallworth
Isn't that what got Lew Stallworth a one way ticket to McAllen? Well, it's been almost a year since someone got kicked off the team, so I guess we're overdue (if it happens).
As we all know; it's not an easy job being a college basketball coach. Situations like this when a player has an attitude call for some tough decision making. I guess I feel like Floyd wants to win as bad or worse than you and I do, so when he benches a "key" player like Moore, he knows the consequences and has to consider them both ways. I'm certain he's rethinking his decision now, because he's probably thinking..."we might have won the game with him on the floor"...but at what cost? Pay me now or pay me later!
FanatiCoog is right that is what I heard too. I can't help but think that if our leading scorer was in the game the outcome might have been different. CTF can get T'ed up with absolutely no accountability but a player can't talk back to him or else your in the doghouse?
That's a ridiculously stupid thing to say...Flat out.
It's doubtful we win with little discipline and rogue play but 100% sure we won't if we have no discipline at all. If a player refuses direction from a coach you set in motion many more problems than just sitting on the bench for a half. Moore, Vint, Artis, Morris and Harris all tend to sulk when things on the offensive end aren't going right and hopefully yesterday might have been just a heat of battle issue. Coach Johnson got the tech, he was the one who flew off the bench for a horrible no call in a string of no calls. I hate this conference, the quality of play is way below the old CUSA and WAC and this includes our play as well.
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I think PURPLE and Tucson both make a good point.

I have coached at the HS level and nothing got to me as much as a player mouthing off to me. You gotta put them in place when they do it, or else it will run rampant through the program.

On the other hand, I fully agree that the captain of the ship needs to lead by example. Floyd has definitely had his moments where his head seemed like it was about to explode and he, at least apparently, was outta control. I've watched his team fall apart after a full out tirade more than once. I must admit, though, that it wasn't always easy for me to hold it together when I felt like my teams were on the receiving end of a string of bad calls, so no judgement from me.

My comment about Moore being in the doghouse was not to criticize TF for sending him to the mutt hut, but rather point it out in a way that somewhat alluded to the regularity with which it seems to be happening. Like it was just another day in Minerland!
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Exactly, doubtful if we win with little discipline but 100% sure we won't if we have no discipline. Moore tends to sulk when things on the offensive end aren't going right and yesterday might have been a heat of battle issue. The tech was on Coach Johnson, he was the one who flew off the bench and it was a horrible no call in a string of no calls. I hate this conference the quality of play is way below the old CUSA and WAC and this includes our play as well. Well, we have the rest of the season to look forward too, playing on the road most nights in front of 1200 fans, tiny gyms and our reward may be a return match with UAB and the SELECT conference USA officials for the 12-13 seed in the NCAA.

Well said
It looks like some of you young bucks backing Moore were not around when Haskins ruled the roost! Haskins not only was a tough coach, but also on the side of a Marine drill instructor. Took no crap from players. .
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It looks like some of you young bucks backing Moore were not around when Haskins ruled the roost! Haskins not only was a tough coach, but also on the side of a Marine drill instructor. Took no crap from players. .
Exactly, and neither should Floyd or any other coach.
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FanatiCoog is right that is what I heard too. I can't help but think that if our leading scorer was in the game the outcome might have been different. CTF can get T'ed up with absolutely no accountability but a player can't talk back to him or else your in the doghouse?
Now you're beginning to understand.
It looks like some of you young bucks backing Moore were not around when Haskins ruled the roost! Haskins not only was a tough coach, but also on the side of a Marine drill instructor. Took no crap from players. .
Haskins also had a bit of success to back it up.

If this had happened in a vacuum, I doubt many on here would be defending Moore. And, he probably did say something he shouldn't have. But, when someone seems to get kicked off the team/suspended/wind up in the doghouse/mysteriously doesn't start/mysteriously doesn't play for a half seemingly every two weeks, you kind lose the benefit of the doubt. And that's been happening the minute CTF stepped foot on campus.

I know Haskins had a doghouse, but I don't recall it being this filled year in and year out.
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Not sure what Moore has to complain about -- he gets lots of playing time.
Favorite Haskins discipline story....All America JC recruit is greeted by Haskins at the Gate as he steps of the plane, at the baggage claim, he mentions how bad things are back home and asks Haskins for a few bucks to help out and a few more for signing with UTEP. Haskins walks him back to the ticket counter and buys a return ticket home, end of story. I know kids are different these days but a constant is you cannot win without players who want to win and will give up all ambitions to do so. Talent only takes you so far in sports and there is a lot more talent not playing in this world than their is playing in the NBA, NCAA or anywhere else because they ONLY want to play, not win.
He was signed before that occured. And what's the difference between that and signing Dominic? Had Floyd reneged on the offer, this board would've been screaming about pulling the offer while signing Dominic.

All I did was answer the question.
Well, as I watched the highlights on the news last night, I couldn't help but notice Lee Moore on the bench when we made that comeback at the end. All the players would jump in excitement for every big basket during that run except for Lee, I'm talking about pouting, not giving a rats ass, as the players around him were jumping up and down. Not a very good sign.
Well, as I don't work tomorrow and I like keeping vampire hours when I can, I watched the replay and give you my views since there seems to be some misinformation going on in this thread. Moore did start the second half. At the 17:14 mark, Moore misses a 3 and Vint is called for a hold on the rebound. Floyd approaches Moore and appears to say something to him, doesn't appear angry. As Moore is walking towards half court, camara is on him and Moore says something towards the bench. Play by play person apparently catches this and comments, "you see, now Moore is coming out. Coach Floyd told Moore to just play and Moore said something back." I think play by play person heard it, but couldn't repeat what Moore said, (my opinion). As Moore walks by Floyd, Floyd says something to Moore, as Moore sits, apparently says something again to Floyd, and Floyd walks back to Moore again, camara pans back to action.
At 15:29 mark Morris hits a 3, then TO is called, Moore is in immediate huddle. When Morris hit the 3, only a few players on the bench clap.
At the 13:21 mark, Morris hits another 3. Again, a few claps, no one rises. TO is called, Morris is in the huddle, skins his team mates.
At 11:20 mark, Morris hits another 3, Moore doesn't clap, but then again, only Winn and one other player clap.
At 11:00 mark, Vint scores and is fouled, only Budda and one other player get excited and rise. A few others clap, not Morris. At this point, play by play makes point, this run is being done without Moore, camara pans to Moore.
At 9:28 Moore is in immediate huddle during TO.
At 9:03 Morris nails another 3, Harris only player off the bench, no one else appears to clap.
At 8:25 Morris hits 3, several players off the bench, not Morris
TO at 7:45, all players involved, to me, it appears Morris appears to realize he screwed up and won't be playing again. Emotionless.
At 3:32 Flaggart hits 3, nothing from Moore.
At 1:48, TO Moore not in immediate huddle.
At 1:21 Budda at the line, Moore's body language to me appears involved.

To say Moore was pouting to me is a reach. Not everyone was jumping up and down, down the stretch. I watched the replay closely, didn't happen. Moore did seem like a player that seemed to realize he screwed up. Again, thats my view.

What I think will happen, depending on the effort given on a whole week's worth of practice. Moore will either sit out a half against utsa, or not play at all. Fine by me. Someone made a comment about Haskins having success to back up his disciplinary issues. So you can only discipline when you're winning? Also, social media did not exist back then. Harder to tell what went on, and if you go back and follow closely, yes, a few players either disappeared a few games, or were gone the next year. Check out the year by year roster fellas. People came and went like crazy. I do recall clearly this little incident. When Kent Lockhart was a sophmore, against BYU, he failed the team big time down the stretch, with less than a minute to go. Bonehead play. We lost. Two nights later against Utah, he sat the whole first half. We lost that game too. If a bonehead play pissed Haskins enough to bench a terrific shooter like Lockhart against Utah, imagine what some lip from that player would have done?

Also, as was noted, the Technical was on Johnson, not Floyd. That same ref who missed a big time over the back call also missed an obvious out of bounds a few plays earlier that led to points for UAB. Chill, Floyd was backing his coach and players.

Anyway, enough of my rant, I just learned David Bowie passed away. Take your protein pills and put your helmet on. Cheers Ziggy!
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Thanls allminer. (I think you had a few Morriss in there instead of Moores) But thanks...I get the points.

As I read through this thread and read some of the nonsense, I couldn't help but think Haskins was just as bad, if not worse, about getting T ed up. Granted, this T was against Johnson, and I even heard the announcers say as much, but I would swear Haskins got at least 2 technicals every year. To say Haskins had more success therefore it was ok is total BS fellas. While it hasn't been here, Floyd has had a buttload of success during his career too. That argument is hogwash. The refs have been total shit the past several years and I don't have a problem with Timmy blowing the hell up.
As for the players, I'm sure he has told them up front, but they need to know that we all know they have talent, but if you can't do what the coaches tell you, got to a JC and play next year. I'm ok with that too. At this point I will not put attitude from a player above the team. PERIOD.

Good Job Floyd. Keep the doghouse full if you need to.
Dammit! We just need to see all the players get rededicated, play together, keep each other's backs, listen to the coaches and be thrilled to get a free education for playing the game they love.
I don't know the answer, but I do know that Haskins was a strict disciplinarian back then and it worked for him and rarely impacted the season. Players respond differently now and Haskins approach wouldn't necessarily work now (I'm not buying or selling), but Floyd needs to adjust and understand that.
My understanding was that Floyd got after Moore for something and Moore said something back to him that CTF didn't agree with.

In other words, Moore took up residence in the infamous CTF doghouse.

Well he started and played 34 Minutes.

I guess the moral of the story is, the doghouse has many levels. For Terry Winn, Earvin Morris, and Christian was a couple of entire games to start the year. For Omega, is was the WSU game.

Or you can just get benched for no reason whatsoever like Touchet did against UTSA after playing extremely well in the first half.
Well he started and played 34 Minutes.

I guess the moral of the story is, the doghouse has many levels. For Terry Winn, Earvin Morris, and Christian was a couple of entire games to start the year. For Omega, is was the WSU game.

Or you can just get benched for no reason whatsoever like Touchet did against UTSA after playing extremely well in the first half.

Yeah, wtf was that about? I don't get it. Could that have possibly been any worse for a kid who's main hurdle has been confidence? Which is appropriate seeing how he's still only a rs freshman. But why not ride his wave of good play while its there and let the kid build on it?

And about Moore....whereas some players check into the doghouse for days, even weeks, Moore must have got the hourly rate and was out after a half a game.
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