New players on the football roster..

A new LB?? I wish we had insider to tell us about these players. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

You do have one, and he'd be a lot more inclined to share information with you if you were a little bit more cordial on these here boards!

Phipps, Szczesniak, Malachi Do and Kai Pruitt were all late roster additions as walk-ons. Satisfied?
You do have one, and he'd be a lot more inclined to share information with you if you were a little bit more cordial on these here boards!

Phipps, Szczesniak, Malachi Do and Kai Pruitt were all late roster additions as walk-ons. Satisfied?

I'm starting to like this beef we got going.

Who is Malachi Do and Kai Pruitt?? Also what ever happened to that Texas State RB transfer?
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You do have one, and he'd be a lot more inclined to share information with you if you were a little bit more cordial on these here boards!

Phipps, Szczesniak, Malachi Do and Kai Pruitt were all late roster additions as walk-ons. Satisfied?
You mean you don't like circular machine gun live fire drills on this board?
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You do have one, and he'd be a lot more inclined to share information with you if you were a little bit more cordial on these here boards!

Phipps, Szczesniak, Malachi Do and Kai Pruitt were all late roster additions as walk-ons. Satisfied?
Told you so.
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