OT: Remember those low gas prices El Paso was told about?


MI Miner Maniac
Jul 10, 2001
It took a pandemic to happen. Your kid from the west Texas oil field will be home soon if not already.

  • For the fourth consecutive week, the national pump prices dropped, this time by 12.8 cents to a national average of $2.08 per gallon.
  • The West Texas Intermediate crude oil price hit a low of $22.91 a barrel Wednesday.
  • There’s been talking of cutting oil production through the Texas Railroad Commission. That hasn’t happened in more than 40 years."
Any likes on the TESLA Cyber Truck? The Ford and Chevy EVs will never come to market. The oil industry/lobby will kill them.
The low price of gas is because Russia and the Saudi's could not agree on production amounts. The Russians want to break the back of the American Shale/Fracking industry.
That’s happening now, break even for US oil is around 42, the oil companies are not going to be drilling if they are losing money.
The world has a lot of problems right now!

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