Sort of OT but UTEP bball related: Ok, to whom did this jersey belong to in the 1970's?

Perhaps, it is mislabeled. That is an Antonio Davis jersey, if I've ever seen one. 1986-1990
According to the basketball media guide, the following players have worn #34:

Tommy Crittenden, Bobby Maines, Jack Porter, Phil Eaton, Mike Echols, Tony Marino, Bob Doyle, Emilio Corral, Howard Anderson, James Edmonson, Antonio Davis, George Banks, Darren Clarke, Jeremy Williams, Christian Romine.

Of those, the following played in the '70s:
Doyle '68-'71
Corral (not listed as letterman...'72?)
Anderson (not listed as letterman...'73?)
Edmonson '74-'77

So probably one of those four, if it is legit and from the '70s.
Amazing how little the unis changed over time. Great research, Jeeber.
But the spacing between each letter is rather far apart and thin. Does this image help. It's the back tag.

A long time ago a friend of mine lived in same apartment complex as Eugene Costello. I guess Eugene left some of his Utep gear in laundry . Like practice stuff and other stuff and my friend took it. We would play basketball and id ask him where did you get those utep shorts and unis? And he told me.
That jersey is older than Antonio Davis era.
Antonio Davis jersey also had blue.

GO Miners....