TCU 4-2-5 explained


MI Hall of Famer
Feb 10, 2009
This is what the Miners try to run and were effective at doing last year. Apparently, starting 2 true freshman at corner has an impact on that defense. We've been marginally effective at stopping the run ranking 85th but of course horrible at passing defense.

FAU is turrible at stopping the run and much better at stopping the pass. UTEP should open the game by softening up the defense with a few quick passes before falling into their run based strategy. They also need to get Golden back involved in the offense. Get him the ball at all costs.
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Even if we had 2 senior cb's, the defense would still be the same. We generate no pressure on the opposing qb. If a qb has all day to throw the ball and their wrs are one on one with the cb, they will get burned all game long. That's what happens to us
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I like the future of the defense. The two freshman corners will be studs in the future. Beverly will play on Sundays one day. We desperately do need some dlinemen, our dline is horrid. This is the second time we have employed a 4-2-5, Osai lewis tryed to run it for two years and it failed horribly. The key to the defense is having two good corners we I think we will have for the next three years.

Currently I think Stoker is the best recruiter we have on staff. He has alot of connections in Louisiana and we have a good chance of getting three pretty good players out of Louisiana this year. Last year Beverly was our best recruit and Stoker was responsible for his signing.
Like most defenses, there's nothing fundamentally flawed with them, as long as you have the personnel to run them. Unfortunately injuries forced Beverly in early. Fortunately, a lot of that learning curve is happening now, not later. He should be ok down the road. The sad part is that's the best recruit UTEP pulled. That's almost criminal and certainly an indictment on how the program is sold.

So, in short order, if you want to sell a program in today's climate, you not only pursue kids that fit what you're trying to do, but you make sure you're prepared to play them. No more sitting them on the bench for a year or two. Second, no head games. You can't love them up one second, then toss them an elbow to the chest later. If a freshman is talented enough, then rotate them in, but don't play that head game nonsense and certainly don't do it a senior. To Kugler's credit, he played some freshmen this season, but last season he didn't until after LA Tech, but did little with them when he did. Thirdly, to the horror of some, you've almost got to have alternate uni's that have some eye candy appeal (sorry traditionalists). Lastly, don't build your program on the strength of the word integrity, then turn around an play position politics. Players today are too savvy for that. They'll see right through it.

UTEP can attract better talent if the investment is made to attract better talent. Marginalizing players, with the whole social media dynamic only hurts the program. Coaches forget, players talk. They'll either help sell your program the positive way, or the negative way.

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