UT campus carry protest to feature sex toys, calls for repeal |

Protesting the ability to defend yourself. Maybe these people should study the differences between gun violence in Juarez vs. the gun violence in El Paso over the last decade. I bet the families of the Virginia Tech students wish their loved ones had a chance to defend themselves. One thing is certain, when you outlaw guns only outlaws have guns.
Protesting the ability to defend yourself. Maybe these people should study the differences between gun violence in Juarez vs. the gun violence in El Paso over the last decade. I bet the families of the Virginia Tech students wish their loved ones had a chance to defend themselves. One thing is certain, when you outlaw guns only outlaws have guns.

Sure, as long as we don't also outlaw the freedom to express a differing view.
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One thing is certain, when you outlaw guns only outlaws have guns.

Wow! I haven't seen or heard that one in a while! I was brought up by a self and Army trained gun loving father. He had every tool to make your own ammo and knew how to refurbish any age rifle from the revolutionary days to current. He had that saying on the back of his car. I grew up thinking guns were normal and every one had one just like everyone had a piano in the dining room that no one in the house touched that had the entire family photo collection of the kids and grand parents from the Kennedy era to Reagan.

When it comes to guns and other national hot button issues, if debate about them comes to a stop and the other side of the debate aisle is silenced immediately with various political or social punitive measures, it is time to get concerned....very concerned. Right now in this point in American history, debate and (hard) truth have taken a savage beating the last twenty years, but yet they are cornerstones to our democracy. I stand on two issues on guns 1) Education and training 2)Every village, town and municipality have adequate access to (police) response, training, staff, equipment, and clinics/hospitals to help from acts of guns, accidental or intentional since guns are protected by BOTH major political parties. (I am left leaning democrat and it's just a horse and pony show when they have hearings on gun issues and the republicans and NRA use it to raise money).
Very Cool 2Step. I too have opinions on guns that drive my right-wing friends into spouting talking points and eventually into a dead-end argument. When it comes to conceal-carry in schools, I don't think training is the answer. The Military is thoroughly trained and the are absolutely forbidden from conceal-carry anywhere on base. I wonder if they're allowed to simply carry anywhere.
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