UTEP vs Sam Houston game thread

All the excitement we had this week about the Mountain West and UTEP pulls a UTEP to bring us back down to Earth. Our new conference mates are probably regretting inviting us. Walden replaced 40 Dimel players with FCS guys and it shows. Is this offense worse than Dimel's?
I can accept a rebuild. I can accept our players are not talented enough. But the penalties and drops are 100% on Walden and his staff. Fix it or yank ‘em.
Can the Mountain West Conference rescind their invitation to UTEP? I really wanted to stay home and watch the Mets/Brewers game, but I didn’t want to blow off my ex-boss, so I went to the game. What an absolute shit show! The offense is absolutely pathetic. Receivers can’t catch a damn pass, even when the ball hits them in their hands. Penalties galore, killing any momentum we may have. Defense was decent until it broke, but still gave up way too many big plays. UTEP looks worse than last season under Dismel. And speaking of which, did he leave his stinking playbook behind for Walden to use? And why are so many players not dressed for the game? Have some already made a business decision and opted out for the season? I went to a high school football game a couple of weeks ago, and was more entertained than this shit filled effort of a FBS level football team. UTEP deserves to remain in CUSA. In fact, if there’s a conference lower than CUSA, UTEP should apply for membership to it.
My whole question/thought process/whatever you call it is:
We understood (and someone can pull up the thread(s) that when Dimel took over it would take us 2-3 years to have a solid team

He took us to the NM bowl. We lost, but first bowl since Krugler

With NIL being a factor and transfer portal (which Kugler and to an extent Dimel didn’t have to deal with) how much time would you give Walden WITHIN. REASON*

*anyone who expected a quick fix was loco
I give him a pass this season but it has to get better next season. It's not just the QB at fault, but we definitely need a QB.
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Observation from watching Walden all night on the sidelines. He needs to step back and focus on being the CEO Head ball coach. His play calling is atrocious, and I've said this several times but the fake hustle bullshit needs to stop. Every time ya look he's in a huddle on the sidelines giving these young men a fire em up speech. It's gonna get old and fall on deaf ears soon. You could see the beginnings of a mutiny by the body language of some----like we're tired of this bullshit vibes. The no huddle bullshit is just stupid----fake aggression with no confidence in your guys calling behind the LOS quick passes to the RB, an RPO thats useless and slow developing without a real threat of the QB pulling it down and taking it and the funky bunch formations that do nothing to deceive when you call the same plays over and over from them. All it appears to do is having to make the receivers run a little bit more after ya send them on a go route down the field. That and pissing off a decent defense that eventually becomes tired from your ineptitude. If I can get your tendencies down the opposition most certainly can. And finally why not huddle after an incomplete pass? Why stay in the hurry up after an incompletion? All it appears to be doing is making the guys think too much.
You could see it in his face all night. Walden is scared and embarrassed. We've been hoodwinked---rant over.

Whoever is QB needs to tell Walden to STFU and let me play. After the NEB game we know Walden is continuously talking to the QB on the mic up until the play. McConnell looked nervous all night from it.
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Anyone that thought this team would be any good was delusional…. All these fire Walden posts are just stupid…. He is in year one… now of this is the same in year 3 ok but not in year one….
No sir. Saw this under different UTEP coaches. Don't bring that here.

Wilson held up her end of the bargain and got the MWC deal done. As stated here many times and reported publicly by sports sites, college presidents get conference alignments done, period. Nip this now. No, don't fire him now. They can't without financial ruin or Walden quits or violates his contract. Walden sold a product and UTEP is not even competitive by late in the third. Like every game so far, SHSU had this over the third quarter.
Let us can ask.....
A) Does he have players who can play at this level?
B) Can his coaches from Austin Peay coach at this level? That is a resounding No!
C) Is he playing those who perform at practice and games and are the players at the right position?
D)Has he reduced mistakes that cost them games?
E) Is anyone aware that once again UTEP commits penalties that equal or greater in size of a football field they play on? That's yardage wiped off the production sheet. Points off the board.
F) Christ, the constant dropped wide open passes. Hey Wilson, that is like dropping a half million to million dollar missile on an empty terrorists' vehicle. Inefficient waste.
G) Please, reach out to the community. All the community asks is to be competitive. No fancy sloganeering. Leave that too politicians.

Dimel is gone. Walden owns this, as does Senter.
UTEP may not win a game this season... In 2 seasons at the FBS level, SHSU has surpassed UTEP.

Offense is terrible, dropped passes, the constant screen play, penalties, and Scotty Walden can't coach!
The "wefense" is bad as well.
Defense has shown signs of not breaking, but like every game, will wear down and get tired.

This is Kugler 2.0.

All the "rah, rah" gets you nowhere if you're not producing...

Can we honestly say, they are improving... Does not look like it.

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