Look, I had donor seats for many years. I paid $3200 for 4 seats. That price included the donation part which for a long time, was tax deductible. At that time, the face value of my seats was $18. Yes, it pissed me off to have some random clown buy tickets at the ticket center for $18 + fees and sit in row 2. $50 for those seats now is just stupid.
Several things that need to happen:
1. Season ticket prices need to be reduced. With the schedule Senter provides, $875 per seat in donor seats for 18 mainly crappy games, is ridiculous. (Basically $48 per ticket.) The business model is broken. What NEEDS to be done is price those season tickets so you can sell them to Joe Fan and not just corporations that leave the seats empty 90% of the time. Sell the hell out of the "good seats" and limit available seats for joe blow to buy on game day.
2. Reduce the donor seats by about 10-12 rows. Lower prices and fill that crap up.
3. Marketing, while improved, still sucks. You MUST use digital billboards you can change on the fly on the freeway and the loop, going BOTH ways. Give free tickets to youth teams, and I don't mean in the rafters. Decent seats like behind the basket. MUST be on local TV damn near every day. Casual fans aren't taking the time to look for the game. TELL THEM IT'S COMING UP!
4. Increase vendors. Have them walk up and down selling stuff. Sell T-shirts, Mining helmets, etc. Shit, give away cool shit....make people WANT to be fans...
5. Get out in public more. ALL the coaches should be visiting schools during their practices and connecting. Even grad assistants.
6. Get rid of the dumb DJ and horrible Monica. Get some entertainment.
7. Take ownership of the ticket center. You MUST be customer friendly.
I'm a firm believer in the Wal Mart business model. Sell low, sell a shitload, and make more money. (My sales are up 20% YOY WITHOUT increasing any prices)
I can/am a dumbass and do/say a lot of dumb shit. However, I've been doing ok as an owner for 12 years. Unlike Senter, I am NOT trying to be your friend. I want your money and for you to feel you got value. I'm known as an asshole. I fire people that don't do the job right. I change vendors to maximize profit/service.
Nothing will change until Senter is fired and we get a forward thinker.
I WANT to go Saturday, but I WON'T because $50 is stupid and I am spoiled and refuse to sit in the rafters.
Whew...rant over....LOL
Have a great Sunday, and as a Cowboys fan, GO REDSKINS!