UTEP vs La Tech.
Just playing devil's advocate but UTEP may, I said may, have found a solution. Floor seating for those fans you mentioned. They get good service and good seating and don't have to mess with the students or those who stand most of game in front of them.Those fans are probably gone now. Time to try it again.
Now then again, from the panning of the crowds on the screen, I see Tio with his cup of beer and also Mesh cap, square toe boot (formally "French Toe Boots") wearing dad with his beer as well. I see a lot of women as well. I do see kids which is always good.
So I am actually agreeing with Corona but also saying lets call a spade a spade and it appears UTEP is trying to address the issue.
Now, if....IF, UTEP beats Sam the Aggie game is going to have way more people and let see what happens?