UTEP defensive coordinator JJ Clark leaving the program to join the Dallas Cowboys' staff

Huge loss. I think they promote Co DC Sigler to DC if they are looking to keep some kind of schematic continuity. Wonder how many recruits we lose with him leaving
JJ seemed to really connect with the kids. Hopefully the kids keep rolling in.

Santa Teresa vs Chaparral BBall ending

That's why traditional news will go bye bye... 👋👋👋 Nobody watching T.V, It's why Deaver is working for the Basketball team. Look at all the ex CNN anchors they all have their own podcasts. How does it feel to be wrong again??? 🤔🤔🤔

You aren't wrong. Years ago I would watch the local news and read the newspaper all the time. Now, I get my news elsewhere.
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OT: Auspicious Vibe

I am all for it. I am a taxpayer and a citizen. I have no allegiance to a political party or any politician. If there is corruption or crimes - let's expose them and hold people accountable. Let's just go with the truth though. For example, 50 million wasn't being spent on condoms for Gaza.
Nice to hear. However, while $50M might not have been spent on condoms, that amount WAS sent there, theoretically. Most was probably in kickbacks to politicians.

OT: Auspicious Vibe

Mista, let me ask....what do you have to say about the huge amounts of corruption being discovered by DOGE?
I am all for it. I am a taxpayer and a citizen. I have no allegiance to a political party or any politician. If there is corruption or crimes - let's expose them and hold people accountable. Let's just go with the truth though. For example, 50 million wasn't being spent on condoms for Gaza.
