Man, I hope a potential recruit doesn't find this board. The way some of you "Miner fans" are talking about El Paso, it would make me think twice about coming here. I do not live in El Paso anymore and I miss it everyday. I love where I live (Henderson, NV Las Vegas metro area), but there is a unique hometown magic about El Paso that is unexplainable. It really is a big city with a small town mentality and that's not a bad thing! Contrary to popular belief, UTEP and EP have great reputations outside of the 915. I am a UNLV season ticket holder and all I ever hear from Rebel fans is how much they'd like UTEP back in the MWC. They talk about UTEP's history and pass on their condolences for The Bear. Also, it is not just UTEP fans that talk about the '66 championship. When I mention I am a UTEP grad, I always get some kind of kudos on what the school did for the game of basketball. My students of color who play ball all know the story of Texas Western. It is a story that transcends EP. Maybe if you UTEP/EP bashers would get up off your lazy butts and do some traveling for a change, you would see what a special university and city we have by talking to some outsiders. I know that scares some of you, but instead of hating, maybe try that. I'm out. I'm on my way to take a UTEP flag to a TX BBQ place here in Henderson who wants to proudly display the orange and blue at their business.