Did Antwon Blake say he played at Texas?


MI Hall of Famer
Jan 14, 2003
Watching MNF and during the Steelers intro Blake said he played at The University of Texas. Ummm...not cool. Unless the producers cut him off or something.
They probably did, I doubt he would do that from where he got his education and played
Watching MNF and during the Steelers intro Blake said he played at The University of Texas. Ummm...not cool. Unless the producers cut him off or something.
He never says UTEP. He is no longer well liked in my household.
Proud of his hometown, thats all. Would Billy Davis received the same flack if he had said El Paso, Texas instead of Pitt? Just asking...
Proud of his hometown, thats all. Would Billy Davis received the same flack if he had said El Paso, Texas instead of Pitt? Just asking...
Yes, cause every player says the shool they played for, that's just what's done and expected. So him not saying it, seems like he doesn't want to say where he played!
Proud of his hometown, thats all. Would Billy Davis received the same flack if he had said El Paso, Texas instead of Pitt? Just asking...
I don't mind the Missouri City comment, I do mind the "University of texas" comment. he said that on the previous Monday/Sunday game.
I've heard other players refer to their hometown. I really feel it's their choice. However, if as utepsteeler1 says, he has used University of Texas (only), we'll then yeah, not cool.
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Players give props to their high school too. Much ado about nothing.

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