Miners will start 1-4

Lol Dimel can't even make simple in game adjustments and you think he's capable of doing mid-season tactical adjustments?
Corona learn how to read please bro. Did I say I think he will and this team will or did I say I don't think they will????
Corona learn how to read please bro. Did I say I think he will and this team will or did I say I don't think they will????
Right, and Cincinnati made the playoffs so it can be done 🙄 but I don't think this team is capable of it.
Right, and Cincinnati made the playoffs so it can be done 🙄 but I don't think this team is capable of it.
Not even the same as what N. Texas did last year in our conference or even the least bit as comparable, but ok. Again I don't think it will happen, but the team still has most of the players from last year's team. They are underperforming based on the talent they have so far. So yes it can be done, but like I said with Dimel and company in charge very unlikely. Your comparison to Cincinnati was weak and not at all even similar, but good effort 👌
Not even the same as what N. Texas did last year in our conference or even the least bit as comparable, but ok. Again I don't think it will happen, but the team still has most of the players from last year's team. They are underperforming based on the talent they have so far. So yes it can be done, but like I said with Dimel and company in charge very unlikely. Your comparison to Cincinnati was weak and not at all even similar, but good effort 👌
Both sound like pipe dreams. Neither is happening. We've lost 8 of the last 10 games. Our offense has regressed to year 5 of the Kugler era. I've seen enough to know we are back to bottom feeding typical UTEP football.

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