OT: Corona Virus- Another Perspective


All Star
Dec 20, 2001
Friends, I know this is the most unsettling time that many of us have faced. Doubt, fear, anger and many other emotions are probably flooding your souls. I hope during this time when those emotions fill your hearts and minds that you will tend to accentuate the positives.

We live in a country that will has the intellect, determination and will to win. We have faced adversity before and kicked it's butt. Together all of us can do it. It's time to put away your religion or political views. This is the time to encourage, build up, seek hope and love one another. We are one race: the human race and we need each other.

Here's a couple of things I am going to start doing:
  • Stay off social media. Most of it is a cesspool of misinformation, hatred and bigotry.
  • Call your mom and dad, an old friend, your current friends and see if they need anything.
  • Order take out from a local restaurant.
  • Share your toilet paper.
  • Pray
  • Don't answer negativity with negativity but rather with kindness.
  • Take a walk
  • Become the friend a friend would love to have.
There are many more things we can do during this time. Make a difference. Take care my friends and May God Bless each and everyone of you.
I agree. We all need get along and support each other. Trump or anti trump? Who cares. We could deal with it later. Right now we have to be there for our family and get along with everyone. Right now is not a time to fight over things that are not important until later.

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