OT: Should El Paso be looking at switching states?


MI Hall of Famer
Feb 10, 2009
With Texas republicans narrowly refusing to add secession to their party platform today, should El Paso start looking at joining New Mexico? Or perhaps joining Colorado, California or other state with medicinal pot use? We might even start a bidding war due to our proximity to the border. All kidding aside though I think joining New Mexico would be a shoe-in seeing as how one of our native daughters is running the whole megillah up there. It might also impact our getting picked up by the MWC along with NMSU.
Thats not how it works. El Paso will be part of Texas. Joining the poorest state in America would be disastrous for El Paso's infrastructure and UTEP. They cant afford to fund their universities as it is. UTEP would lose alot of funding. In this mythical world where municipalities become free agents I dont think there would be a bidding war over El Paso.
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Maybe we can join California or Hawaii. since we'll be free agents, we can go anywhere. We several international bridges. That should be worth something.
Yea right with our luck the highest bidder will probably be Chihuahua.

No thanks worked too hard to go back.
No way. I'm very proud to be a Texan, even though we may not always get the respect. New Mexico just doesn't do anything for me.
I truly love El Paso as it is a fun friendly city. But its Democrat roots spin in mud do to the dependence on government jobs and the stigma that democrats support minorities. Truth is that they use them. There is a 47 inch pipeline headed your way that will boom your economy by providing jobs and spending in your city. Take advantage of it and appreciate how the republican party supports small business and the working class. I live in the permian basin, and know at least 7 hispanic millionaires within a 5 mile radius. Thanks to a republican State these families had the opportunity to prosper while detesting democrats war on energy and absurd taxation. They shook the stigma. Now im not here to ask you to vote for Trump, just askin you to take advantage of the energy sector lheaded your way. Go Miners
An opponent to your poorly thought our agenda might bring up the fact that unemployment was over 20% in the Odessa / Midland area during the Reagan years and it took a two wars in the middle east for Bush to spark the Texas economy but not after falling asleep at the wheel and allowing Bin Laden to level the twin towers.

He might also bring up the fact that it was Obama that shifted resources from Iraq to Pakistan that lead to finding and killing Bin Laden.

He might also bring up the fact that most of the Permian Basin "millionaires" have layed off all their workers and have equipment rusting in their yards because they pumped the oil out of the ground as fast as they could leading to a world-wide oil glut that drove prices through the floor.

I wouldn't do that because I'm not that type of guy, but someone might.

And I'd shut up if I were you because next time he might ask you how that pipeline is being funded.
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Well said Jdubb. Well said. But don't expect these political cultists to accept facts, math and science. To say that they're willing to say and do anything "win" is the understatement of the century.
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Rather than succeed, the citizens of El Paso and the State of Texas should remove the teapublican, radical right-wing politicians currently infesting Austin. The feds will handle the current AG.

And @ludicris, since you want to turn this into a political board, on so many levels, your boy is by far the spookiest presidential candidate in modern times, maybe ever. He'll have us in a trade war inside of 3 months and a shooting war(s) inside of six.
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not my candidate, i voted rubio. I also didnt start this OT political thread, just chimed in. i brought nothing up of wars or presidents or unemployment rates, although many employees were let go do to a 60 percent increase in health care costs, I just was glad to see el pasoans who wanted to work get a chance to make some good money with the passing of the pipeline due to our republican governments support of the energy sector. those who want none of it continue your current moaning and exit to new mexico strategy.
@ludacris, you're the poster who injected politics into this thread - and continue to do so. You've CLEARLY stated your politics, now brace for the shitstorm coming your way as a result of the nominee of the political party you support.
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cool, but the thread did mention switching states, so i would say politics were brought in before me. once again, i am not hear to pump the conservative agenda, just to promote work opportunity. peace
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This thread won't succeed in changing anybody's mind, and a cynic would say it really doesn't matter who becomes president, governments have become a means of self enrichment for all political parties so whoever wins, position yourself to take advantage of the shift in wealth. But it will succeed in one thing, helping us pass the time until football starts which was the only intended purpose of the thread in the first place. Have a double during lunch today, it won't hurt.
not my candidate, i voted rubio. I also didnt start this OT political thread, just chimed in. i brought nothing up of wars or presidents or unemployment rates, although many employees were let go do to a 60 percent increase in health care costs, I just was glad to see el pasoans who wanted to work get a chance to make some good money with the passing of the pipeline due to our republican governments support of the energy sector. those who want none of it continue your current moaning and exit to new mexico strategy.
Read the Obama Health Care Act (if you can) and note a couple of paragraphs that were inserted by the "Repugnants" as the ONLY way they would vote to ENACT into LAW!!! They rammed down Obama's throat in these two paragraphs "that the US Government COULD NOT NEGOTIATE DRUG PRICES WITH THE PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES"!!! By the way, I have friends who own Oil Industry companies, and as aforementioned in other knowledgeable posts, they started back during the Reagan administration (Trickle Down Economics, what a laugh!) to down size. Yeah, They support HALLIBURTON, Exxon, Standard, Texaco, British Petroleum and the like or should I say their stockholders. Do they support Alternative sources that don't create/contribute to Global Warming! Oh yes, I almost forgot,that is a pure lie, we have not negatively impacted our world due to burning fossil fuels! The Entire World Knows That We have Screwed up the Earth, yet we are they only Nation that official denies it due to the Republicans! Did You Happen to Follow the Recent Paris Talks! Fracking, What a laugh! The recent rainstorms in the Greater Houston area has caused the leaching of fracking material into the surrounding watersources, Poisoned so you won't have to infer the meaning! Oklahoma has major tremors, earthquakes, due to earth strata failure! I respect people's opinion, when they are informed! Not the Carl Rove, "appeal to emotion to divide!" strategy. Why think, We don't need our brains, we'll let others do the thinking and then allow them to spoon feed processed "sh*t"!
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This is a sports forum and I enjoy reading the latest sports info that comes from here, however, I am tired of the politics that has invaded our life this past year, so please get the political views out of this forum and let us enjoy Miner sport's info good or bad as it is a breath of fresh air and politically free. I thank all of you for the enjoyable and informative reading!
Being too extreme on either side is just dumb. In my opinion, both sides have their own idiots and make their own fair share of mistakes. I would like to see all elected officials booted from office, term limits put in place, and start fresh. ( I would guess this is the reason Trump has any followers at all) We have really had no good options on either side from the get-go this time around. Pick your poison folks....
It's a shame El Paso will only vote democrat, regardless of who is running. If God ran as a republican in El Paso, he would lose.
Be open to opinions different than your own. Think about things. You just might be wrong.

As for moving El Paso to NM, let's not be stupid, k?

BTW...I like the political chat as long as it doesn't get too extreme and folks don't take themselves too seriously. You don't know everything regardless of what you might think.
Going from a property tax supported area to a state tax supported area would be crazy. Yes, your taxes would be lower. But government supported jobs would have much lower pay. New Mexico also relies heavily on oil from Eastern New Mexico. And it's feast or famine. When oil prices are high the state thrives, when they are low the state suffers badly.

I think high school football would benefit greatly.