• M
    MinerFan79 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
  • dementiajoe
    dementiajoe replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    Once star players get paid they become lazy.
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    Sorry, but if they don’t want UNM, they definitely do not want UTEP.
  • dementiajoe
    dementiajoe replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    UTEP to the new PAC-12 isn’t out of the question. After all, every conference needs a door mat. 🤡
  • U
    UTEPfan1966 replied to the thread OT: Ominous Vibe.
    So the pandemic is Trump's fault? Not Faucci who funded it? The deaths have no connection to planned bad vaccines? MANY respected...
  • develman
    develman replied to the thread OT: Ominous Vibe.
  • P
    PickMyAxe915 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    "Bowl eligibility**: UTEP – your secret weapon to hit six wins." UTEP is the gift that always gives.
  • M
    Minerinciter replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
  • M
    Minerinciter replied to the thread OT: Ominous Vibe.
  • S
    STexMiner replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    Maybe right now, but realize that there's further realignment on the horizon for the East side of college athletics. Guess who probably...
  • L
    Lil_Train replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    Is it even possible to get less of an ROI from the $41M/year investment than UTEP athletics? 😀
  • chuwy9
    chuwy9 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    It’s far from over, but cusa isn’t looking too bad right now.
  • chuwy9
    chuwy9 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
  • MineroFanatico
    MineroFanatico replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    No, but he can say...."In adding UTEP to the conference, we can guarantee all of your conference members 1 additional win per year in FB...
  • U
    UTEPfan1966 replied to the thread OT: Ominous Vibe.
    Still baffling why hard core left mainly focus on trying to attack Trump. Why can't logical people look at results and policies? I'm...
  • U
    UTEPfan1966 replied to the thread OT: Cowboys.
    As I see it, the problem is the focus of the star players. They're getting paid and could care less if they win. They are paid
  • Firstdowndash
    Firstdowndash replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    How terrible do we have to be? With all the connections UTEP has—Sun Bowl, Wilson, and AD @ Boise, and with how desperate the PAC...
  • kickballpro
    kickballpro replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    And now the PAC 12 is suing the Mountain West. Just getting ridiculous now.
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    Hawaii and Wyoming, yeah. UTEP athletics is not their biggest deterrent. It’s El Paso. SMU never won anything since their death...
  • KaneFan29
    KaneFan29 replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    The war chest wouldn’t even come close to building Southwest University Park now.
  • kickballpro
    kickballpro replied to the thread Pac12 not dead?.
    The school that should be most worried is Hawai'i. They look like the one school that could get stranded. UTEP has no choice but to...
