Folks, everyone is legitimately pissed off at Senter and Dimel, but send a diplomatic email to them and let them no this will not be tolerated.
In the meantime, you are feeding really bad trolls on here, Las Cruces, El Paso and around the state. They are on here, hold office, they go to my church, go to our local grocery stores, etc…They would love to see UTEP literally burn. I’m talking about utter hatred here, folks. So much hatred I have heard their own mothers call them out for spewing such horrid ignorance. I’ve met them throughout my young and adult life and they use UTEP’s poor performance on the football field as a shield but it doesn’t stop there.
Most just love the rich historical rivalry of I-10, the legendary Haskins, the exciting days of Billy and when Stull was coaching or Nord bringing in some the best recruits in the modern era of UTEP football.
What usually happens is some get the wrong message and you get your typical drunk fights at games like what happened weeks ago with Lobos and aggies, and a planned out, gun toting actual assault occurred and someone’s son is dead and a player has his playing career likely over. That is stupid and crazy. Ignorance won. We’ve seen the fights ourselves.
Most of you on here say you are not religious and that’s fine, but all I can say is that the devil and his seeds of chaos (the root of diabolical) are real H2O breathing folks and when I say “UTEP” to start my sentence their eyes light up with flames.
Let’s stop feeding the evil trolls. Keep buying tickets, know the sky is not falling for UTEP and there is money in their bank account (but yes, could be more if they would win more).
Demand better performance but hold your Picks up!
Sorry, I’ll get off my cardboard soap box.