Down 39-34 At Half

Actually I think they're showing heart out there. They're not quitting or jogging down court. Crowd loved the halftime show and the guys in Section V got a lot of attention for their signs.
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Actually I think they're showing heart out there. They're not quitting or jogging down court.

They're playing Division I basketball. You don't get medal for just showing heart, not jogging, and not quitting. These are the game UTEP should be winning easily.
UTEP lost 79-67. Since the guys played with heart and didn't quit and didn't jog down the court, we can't be mad. I suggest we throw the players and coaches a Festivus party on December 23. I suggest at the next game we start in Section V to collect money for a pole and food for everybody.
LouTEP Miner ‏@LouTEPminer
@ChrisLee_1117 I dont know man. We were just holding our signs up then got pissed and came at us. He got in my face yelling

This is too funny!
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LouTEP Miner ‏@LouTEPminer
@ChrisLee_1117 I dont know man. We were just holding our signs up then got pissed and came at us. He got in my face yelling

This is too funny!

I am not going to get into right or wrong by either parties but I am stunned the event staff wasn't there first.
Woodley is a terrific player that should have been recruited by Kentucky, Duke, Louisville and Kansas.
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UTEP lost 79-67. Since the guys played with heart and didn't quit and didn't jog down the court, we can't be mad. I suggest we throw the players and coaches a Festivus party on December 23. I suggest at the next game we start in Section V to collect money for a pole and food for everybody.

It's one thing to be upset at a loss. It's another to be a jerk about it.
I really hope Floyd finds a way to right the ship .... because I want to see how many in here would flip with an I told you Floyd was the right guy for the job.....
I really hope Floyd finds a way to right the ship .... because I want to see how many in here would flip with an I told you Floyd was the right guy for the job.....
And that would be awesome, it's a result oriented business. I would gladly eat crow if it meant wins for UTEP. UTEP winning makes me happy. I'd rather be happy than right.
I really hope Floyd finds a way to right the ship .... because I want to see how many in here would flip with an I told you Floyd was the right guy for the job.....

Actually, I'll go on record right now and profess that I will never flip and say "I told you Floyd was the right guy for the job...". Everrrr!

Instead, if he does somehow miraculously turn it around, you can proudly, and in an 'in-your-face-kinda-way' tell me "I told you Floyd was the right guy for the job..."

How about that?

It ain't gonna happen!
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I really hope Floyd finds a way to right the ship .... because I want to see how many in here would flip with an I told you Floyd was the right guy for the job.....

With all due respect, sir, is that what you think this situation is all about, people getting to "I told you so"? Seriously, do you not think that there is even a single poster on this board that would not be ecstatic were Floyd to finally field team that was even remotely competitive? And do you understand that, with losses to Northwestern and Southeastern - both from Louisiana - that the trajectory for this year's edition of Circus Floyd would likely finish DFL - in the Southland Conference!

Some grad student somewhere needs to do a white paper on the effect of low public expectations on a collegiate athletic department. Seriously.
All I am saying is that I don't want to hear anyone coming back And saying yes I was in floyds corner!!! Trust me I am not gonna be one that tells you I told you sooooo not like that all I just don't want to hear that from anyone actually!!! Looks like Adrian Moore is now gone too but I actually understand this one
All I am saying is that I don't want to hear anyone coming back And saying yes I was in floyds corner!!! Trust me I am not gonna be one that tells you I told you sooooo not like that all I just don't want to hear that from anyone actually!!! Looks like Adrian Moore is now gone too but I actually understand this one
It would be a little late for an I told you so at this point, more like even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while, because brother it's been seven years man, come on. His first year was his best. It's been downhill since.
Floyd better not resign and leave that mouth-breather Johnson in charge as interim. He needs to man up and face this shit-show himself until the bitter end.
Floyd better not resign and leave that mouth-breather Johnson in charge as interim. He needs to man up and face this shit-show himself until the bitter end.

I really liked the way you worked in that "shit show" reference. Well played, sir. Well played...
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