He can say I watch whatever news station suites him, it doesn't matter. His posts reek of an extreme (and uninsightful) viewpoint of the country as it is today. The fact is, this isn't 1950's America, like many would have us believe.
CK can do whatever he likes, but he is anything but a rational voice against the "oppression" of black people.
This issue is more complex than what people give it credit for. Unfortunately, what we see today is something that happens to people of every color in this country. The difference is in how the media portrays and covers these stories. Today, we see predators like the Rev. Al Sharpton's of the world maintaining power and monetary success by exploiting a paranoia within their own communities. They've used their influence to convince people that any crime committed by a white cop against a black person is an undeniably racist act. They tell their children that they can't become successful in the "system", because the "system" is built to discriminate against them. To say otherwise will deem you a racist pig in today's world. Gee, no wonder so many kids in these communities give up before they even get started...
Are there examples of discrimination against people of color in this country? Certainly. Is this a great epidemic that only affects people of a certain color? Definitely not. This country's laws are built to protect everyone, which is why it's silly to make a stand against the country itself.
Cops are people just like everyone else. Most of them are decent, and some are assholes. Some are a shining example of how to conduct themselves on the job, while others are incapable of handling high stress situations with the kind of clear headed professionalism we all expect. The latter example becomes dangerous when you put them into an area where crime is rampant, and the probability of danger is high.
In the end, there are two sides to this issue, but only one is being discussed in a serious manner. If you look at the statistics, you'll see that far more white people are killed each year by police than black. Now, if you take the population of each race into account, you'd find that black's are statistically far more likely to be shot than white's. What many people choose to ignore, however, is that (statistically) black people are far more likely to commit acts of violent crimes (armed robbery, murder, etc). Basically, they're far more likely to run into a cop during a situation of high stress/danger. Increasing your odds of running into police during these high stress events isn't the best way to avoid unfortunate incidents.
So, why does it seem that a HIGHLY disproportional amount of black people are being shot for unjustified reasons? Well, look no further than the media, to which Mambo unequivocally subscribes. Notice the constant headlines: "WHITE COP SHOOTS UNARMED BLACK MAN!". These headlines are meant to push a narrative and create a visceral response. They have created more ratings (money) for the general media than damn near any other events in recent memory. All of this emotional frenzy has led to riots and acts of extreme anger. And you can bet your ass that the media loves nothing more than anger and a good ol' riot (or two) to drive their ratings through the roof.
This is nothing new. This has been the mantra of the mainstream media since days of Hearst and Pulitzer, and will continue to be so until people wake up.
This country still has some issues, but it's one of the best damn country's in the world when it comes to respecting people and their rights. It has and continues to be more tolerant every year, but we are only humans and our progression will continue to be a slow organic process...