OT: Dreamers Question


MI Miner Maniac
Feb 1, 2010
What about the ones that are in the military? Are they gonna be deported?
From what I know, DACA allows for 2 year permits that are renewable. It doesn't give permanent residence to illegal immigrants that came forward and applied. It allows them to work, go to school, participate in the military, etc.. while adhearing to the process of citizenship. Any dreamer whos permit expires before March 2018 may apply to renew for another 2 years.

I need to read more about it but I can't imagine this could ever be revoked the way its being presented/portrayed by the media. I mean it could be stopped from now on (no more new applicants), but the current dreamers should have a path to citizenship if they are working, in school, in military, etc...

I think there may even be a quicker path for those who have served in the military. It has happened before so we'll wait and see.
What about the ones that are in the military? Are they gonna be deported?

There is a major problem. Trump really doesn't know what DACA is all about. For Pete's Sake, the dude thought Frederick Douglas was still alive! If his advisors told him they needed to send it through the Singapore congress for prior approval before sending it to the House of Representative, he'd tweet it out that it was going to Singapore first for approval. He is literally creating historical precedence and boy our country has had some doozies. With this problem, the federal court has no problem over ruling him because of pronouncements against the judicial system and federal judges and his racially tainted political agenda. I can't see the republican lead congress taking up the issue. In some way, shape or form it will get punted back to him so he can blame the democrats (remember the GOP control both chambers...and the executive branch).
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I can't see the republican lead congress taking up the issue. In some way, shape or form it will get punted back to him so he can blame the democrats (remember the GOP control both chambers...and the executive branch).
On this issue, I actually do think there are enough Republicans willing to make a deal with Democrats, including Speaker Paul Ryan.

Would Trump veto it? That's the question. But I think something will land on his desk.

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