Replay of western kentucky game

I know Won always had great highlights with Teich voice over's in the past, but now that Stull threatens with liens on your first and second born, he doesn't do it.
According to the guide, FoxSports has not and is not going to replay the game, not even once. Not even at something like 2am in the morning. It would be nice to watch the TV broadcast of it.
On Sports Talk this afternoon, it was said they are working on it and it all be up shortly.
Even though I was there yelling my ass off, I would really love to see it over again. You can't relive the vibe of being there. If you have ever been to a "barn burner" Miner game, this game was all that and more!!! Memories of Ohio State, Alabama, Georgetown, Indiana, the Lobos, Aggies, and so on!!!
Was the attendance number over 12,222?
I sit in section "V" and the students section is right next to me. There were quite a few empty seats there. In fact I heard that someone went to those empty seats and started taking the orange t-shirts. They had about 30 of them but were stopped by the ushers.
I was seated in section J, there were empty seats in my section and in parts of the south end. Guessing about 11,800.
I was seated in section J, there were empty seats in my section and in parts of the south end. Guessing about 11,800.
I used to be in Sec J when I had season tickets. When I tried to get tickets all they had were a few (maybe 8 or 10) single seats. People just didn't show, I guess.
It was a legit sell out. It is no longer 12,222. Some rows were removed some years ago. I forget the reason why. I believe 12,222 was just guesstimate even before the rows were removed.
It looked full on tv and the stripe the Don thing worked well. Very lively and big crowd regardless of the exact count of people there. Looked big time.
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I KNOW it wasn't full. Several sections up high had many rows empty. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me. Whoever didn't go missed out on the fun. And I am sure watching on tv showed our excitement too.

The "official" number of seats baffles me. How the hell can they not be sure? Don't they have a computer that sells tickets for the seats? Even then, the dudes/dudettes placing all those shirts out could have counted them. HA!
I think it was a sellout just season ticket holders dont always show up. Quite a few empties around me but I know who sits in them they just decided not to go. Some of my family wanted 3 seats together and couldn't find any online unless they were the last two rows.
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Also some out of towners who hold season tickets never show up.
It was a sellout.

GO Miners...
The Miners won and that's what counts. As far as attendance just worry about your seat, away they'll play in high school size gyms until they return to play here in El Paso. Other teams won't ever play in a stadium with that support.
It was a legit sell out. It is no longer 12,222. Some rows were removed some years ago. I forget the reason why. I believe 12,222 was just guesstimate even before the rows were removed.

Seats were removed when they installed scoreboards in the four corners of the arena.
The Sun Bowl has changed over the years. If you didn't know the Don Haskins Center has changed names and capicity no worries now you know.
Y ou guys just derailed this topic. Can yall talk about attendance in another thread. Some of us are waiting for replay of the game. I opened this threadt excited to think maybe someone had the replay if the game. Any update on replay of the game?

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