Golding will not be fired. As a matter a fact I’m hearing it wasn’t even in the cards. The 7 game losing streak was downright disgraceful with the talent coming back. We all can agree this team underachieved. Heres the problem. Senter doesn’t judge on NCAA appearances or Conference Championships. He sees it as, if the team is competitive and graduating players, ok cool here’s an extension! Senter might not even be a Utep Miner Fan for all we know. It seems like he’s just scraping by doing the bare minimum to stay employed. Golding is simply a Microcosm of a Bad AD. I don’t have faith in Golding next year unless I seem some quality transfers coming in. Even then I have limited belief in him. Montgomery is a quality kid coming in, but will be a freshman and not ready to lead. We need quality D-1 not D-2 transfers! I will donate $500 to the Collective in hopes that enough Miner Fans do too and make a difference! This will be the last and only time I do this if I don’t see Drastic Improvements!!! I’m tired of complaining, so I’m gonna do what little I’m able to and hope that we can attract some real talent. I’m going into next year expecting the worst and hoping for the best. It’s easy to complain, but at least for now I’m out of breath. Joe, since you’re staying apparently, prove all of us doubters wrong and start recruiting better and then try and out coach someone for God Sakes! I for the life of me can’t understand how this team almost beat Louisville on the road and beat a good Yale team, but folded in Conference play! Anyways he’s staying so we gotta suck it up and hope for the best or whatever smh 🤦🏽