Welp, we’ve dissected UNT game to hell, OU is next

Sad looking through these scores. In 2017 they beat us 56 - 7 in Riley's debut game. That year Kugler quit on the team and we went 0-12. Oklahoma won 12 games and ended up in the CFP's.

Here we are year 5 with what's supposed to be an improved team vs a team rebuilding and the score predictions are the same or worse as the actual score was 5 years ago. It's as if nothing has changed.
You are so right!
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So what would see as an improvement over last week? If say if we get beat by less than 30. Something like 45-20
So what would see as an improvement over last week? If say if we get beat by less than 30. Something like 45-20
We all know UTEP is expected to lose to OU, but how about a winning mentality from the coaching staff and players. How about some fight to the finish. How about when it's 2nd and goal from the 5 we run it down somebody's throat. How about we stop at least one aspect of the opposing team's offense (and not assume that's its a bunch of runs right down the pipe). How about making a few OBVIOUS adjustments now and then. How about some passion and accountability from our head coach. How about a game that we as fans can be proud of win or lose?

I'm ok with 45-20 as long as we fight and don't give away the game to OU.
How about some passion and accountability from our head coach. .
Pre & Post game with Teicher...
I was hoping to tell my OU loving in laws, "ya know, this game may be a first half challenge". Now, I'm just brown bagging my face with embarrassment. I'm just going to watch on TV to see if my niece comes out since she is in OU band. Other than that, I am so disgusted with Dimel I can't bare to watch.

Here we go with a seven year Price legacy 2.0. Senter's not going to fire or ask him to step down. A least Kugler had pride and did the right thing and went back to the NFL.

I bet Coach Kill is licking his chops for the following weekend.

Don't compare Dimel to Price. It's not close. Dimel isn't Price 2.0.
Todays game:

[Right shoulder Archangel] “No day drinking, ever. It’s a bad, bad vice!”.

[Left shoulder demon] “Let me show you a new trick before kick off starts!”

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