A lot, actually.
Never mind. This would go round and round with you. No thanks.
I have no clue clue what being impoverished has to do with doing pot.
Jones grew up with the "advantages" and he does pot.
A lot, actually.
Never mind. This would go round and round with you. No thanks.
I have no clue clue what being impoverished has to do with doing pot.
Jones grew up with the "advantages" and he does pot.
I thought you didn't even know what "most of the advantages" meant. Yet you're saying Jones had them.
Show me where I said Jones didn't grow up with most of the advantages. I specifically referred to most D 1 players not growing up with them.
See why I don't want to play your game?
Next question from 777..."What game? I was just trying to have a conversation."
My guess is you meant a middle class upbringing? I never thought that was an "advantage".
I never said you said that. I said Jones grew up with the "advantages" and he does pot.
All I'm asking is what is the correlation between being impoverished and doing pot?
Also, I disagree that most college football players come from impoverished families.
True on #4. But ask yourself who the 14% are that don't fall under the poverty line. Perhaps student athletes whose parents can afford to send them additional money? Perhaps a large portion of that other 86% have families who experience financial hardship. I know we send our son money. We are middle class and not wealthy by any means. A family would have to be pretty strapped to not be able to send their student athlete child additional support. A majority of my son's teammates live upon what the institution provides them with. Even though room and board are paid for, most don't receive a dime of additional support from their families. I can't imagine it's because their parents like to see them struggle. Maybe they don't have too much choice in the matter, financially speaking.
The 14% are probably the people who go part-time and work full time and people who get money from their parents.
I lived at home and couldn't afford to go away for college. I got $0 extra money from my parents. They weren't going to pay for my entertainment. I got $5 a week in high school as an allowance. I drove an almost twenty year old car. I worked in college and made my own money.
Like I said, just because I grew up in a middle class household doesn't mean I had advantages.
No, the study is talking about college athletes in particular and just happens to mention the typical college student as a cross reference. One cannot be a part time student and a college athlete. A student athlete must amass 12 credit hours per fall/spring to remain eligible. On top of that, cfb players spend an average of 43 hours a week devoted to fb related activity and 38 hours a week devoted to academics. That's an 80 hour work week. Parents know that. Most parents want to help out as much as they can, one would think. Seeing as how 86% of student athletes live in poverty, and considering parents don't have to pay a dime for room and board, you'd think maybe they would float a few bucks their kid's way...since they're working so hard and can't go earn extra money. Unless....they can't really afford to?
Pot is legal in many states and less harmful than alcohol. It will be legal Nationwide in the next 10 years. I'm sure lots of you drink. Seems like people here making a bigger deal about it than it should be. His biggest mistake was driving after he did it. Bad judgment there.
I was talking about students in general regarding being part-time.
I guess if you can afford to do it then why not?
I'm still waiting to hear about the "advantages" I had.
Athletes can't work in the summer to make money or during the offseason?
You think students study 26 hours a week? I don't know anybody that studied 26 hours a week. They should have much higher grades if they really study that much.
I'm surprised they even have time to do smoke pot or do anything else since they work 80 hours a week.![]()
You truly operate off of a lot of assumptions, man.
Oh, and about those "advantages", I'm pretty sure you have benefited from the mind set that a middle class upbringing afforded you. Things like a belief in yourself to be able to make it in the world because you were saturated in empirical evidence of it being possible. Or, having the time to study because your mom didn't leave you to raise your 3 brothers and 2 sisters while she worked whatever minimum wage job she could. Or never even having to be concerned about having a roof over your head and not having to hear your parents fight about where the rent money was going to come from. A lot of energy is freed up to pursue a "normal" life when you're not consumed by those kinds of worries. That's not even the half of it for some. Just saying. I'd call not having to worry about those things "advantages". Call them whatever you want, though.
Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving.
A good kid doesn't break the law.
I don't think 60-75% of 23 year olds are doing pot.
I hope he finally learned his lesson this time.
Hey Fanati.....we all seem to get suckered into an endless back and forth with our resident debate club troll. I see you are the latest victim.![]()
Pot is legal in many states and less harmful than alcohol. It will be legal Nationwide in the next 10 years. I'm sure lots of you drink. Seems like people here making a bigger deal about it than it should be. His biggest mistake was driving after he did it. Bad judgment there.
It's not the first time. Whiskey gets me going from time to time. Lol.
What makes me laugh looking back at the convo is that I said I was done early in the back and forth...not once but twice.![]()
I think you'd be surprised
Hey Fanati.....we all seem to get suckered into an endless back and forth with our resident debate club troll. I see you are the latest victim.![]()
Pot is legal in many states and less harmful than alcohol. It will be legal Nationwide in the next 10 years. I'm sure lots of you drink. Seems like people here making a bigger deal about it than it should be. His biggest mistake was driving after he did it. Bad judgment there.
No troll here. I was told I had so many "advantages" growing up, but not one was even stated. If people backed up what they state I wouldn't have to keep responding.
So you not liking the answers I gave you equates to "not one was even stated"?
You're just like a little kid. Don't even reply because I won't see it......until you come back as somebody else...which I give it a month. Adios cabron!