Kugler is Starting to Sound Like Price

El Paso Chihuahuas

MI Hall of Famer
Mar 28, 2014
El Paso, TX, USA
These quotes are similar to what you would hear from Price: "They're really working, I have a lot of admiration for this team," said coach Sean Kugler, as upbeat all through this week as at any time in his three years here. "Their backs are against the wall and they keep coming out working, they keep fighting, I can't ask for more."
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These quotes are similar to what you would hear from Price: "They're really working, I have a lot of admiration for this team," said coach Sean Kugler, as upbeat all through this week as at any time in his three years here. "Their backs are against the wall and they keep coming out working, they keep fighting, I can't ask for more."

While Coach Kug started with a neg team. He has accomplished a lot more than what most coaches in the NCAA has accomplished in their first four coaching careers. You can talk all the
smack you want but at the end of the day you will end up as a looser.

GO Miners...
I was watching the Longhorn Network and listening to Young, Williams and other UT fball alum just rip Strong up and down and his inability to bring the youngsters and seniors together and Stong's failure to fully embrace and use UT history to help the team understand what they're part of. IMO, UTEP doesn't have that problem. What I do see is a stubborn coach who is taking his lumps, some self-imposed (failure to develop a passing game) and some not his fault at all (injuries to veteran players). However, Price and Kugler embrace what little history UTEP has, just in their own way. I loved the game Price brought to UTEP, but Price is gone and my support is behind Kugler. I think this year was a real learning lesson for him and it will make him better and he will pass that down to the program. Why? Because he identifies and attacks the problem and takes responsibility. UTEP will be back next year ready to go to a bowl game. This year, I just pray the rosary.

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