Looks like Miami will be this year's USC


MI Miner Maniac
Jul 7, 2003
So it was announced that the Sun Bowl match up will be Miami vs Washington St. When Miami found out the players responded with disappointed tweets and upset emojis.... Here's hoping Washington St. and Leach Beat the crap out of Miami!!!
So it was announced that the Sun Bowl match up will be Miami vs Washington St. When Miami found out the players responded with disappointed tweets and upset emojis.... Here's hoping Washington St. and Leach Beat the crap out of Miami!!!

Defensive overreaction...
I'm sure with that crappy attitude they will fail to show up like they did a few years ago against Notre Dame.
I'm sure with that crappy attitude they will fail to show up like they did a few years ago against Notre Dame.

I think a lot of USC's bad attitude that year was a reflection of ther leader's -- Kiffin.

Richt is a class act. Let's welcome both teams and show them a great time.
I think a lot of USC's bad attitude that year was a reflection of ther leader's -- Kiffin.

Richt is a class act. Let's welcome both teams and show them a great time.
Richt will not be coaching them yet
The Canes fans don't support them in their own stadium. They didn't come last time they played here, and won't this time either.

As usual, the fans will be 80% El Pasoans. Having the ACC does NOTHING for the Sun Bowl or El Paso. Stupid to have anyone in that conference. We want schools from out of town to COME, spend money, and enjoy El Paso. What good does it do us for us to sell out the game with locals?
I just looked at a few Miami message boards. Predictably, some fans are slamming El Paso/Sun Bowl. At 8-5 there will always be fans disappointed with their bowl slotting. Plus, Miami has bad memories from ND.

That said, other fans have nice things to say, like "CaneFreak" on

"I hope it isn't either, but I will tell you that I have been to every bowl we have ever been to (except the Gotham Bowl and before), and the Sun Bowl people make that the best bowl experience for the kids than ANY other bowl, except the Rose Bowl. They are wined, dined, shown stuff at the huge army base there, allowed to participate in some drills like the Army guys, including shooting electronic rifles at a really fancy range, engage in competitions with the opposing team and generally get treated like royalty. We were met at the airport with a mariachi band and it got better from there. Very nice place, but I hope we don't go there either. I would not say they deserve better. It is what it is. That is kind of like saying we should have won more games. Maybe, but we didn't."
They're 8-4, but still suck, they're just a name now. I hate the canes program. Richt is too good to be there, but maybe he'll clean it up. And yes Pac 10 vs Big 12 is the way to go, for sure
So it was announced that the Sun Bowl match up will be Miami vs Washington St. When Miami found out the players responded with disappointed tweets and upset emojis.... Here's hoping Washington St. and Leach Beat the crap out of Miami!!!

The bigger question is why is this the same response most teams have? The Sun Bowl is actually a pretty decent venue. It could go for some significant upgrades, but if attendance is what it is, then why spend the money. This isn't a "if you build it, they will come moment."

The Sun Bowl Committee needs to seriously review their bowl promotion activities.
I just scrolled through #Sunbowl and #ElPaso twitter and a lot of WSU and Miami fans complaining about drawing the Sunbowl but the biggest complaint is spending Christmas in El Paso. I have a feeling the attendance will take a big hit this year because of the date of the game.
So it was announced that the Sun Bowl match up will be Miami vs Washington St. When Miami found out the players responded with disappointed tweets and upset emojis.... Here's hoping Washington St. and Leach Beat the crap out of Miami!!!

Can we see your source on this???
The kids will have fun down here, they know nothing about el paso, just what they here or people who've driven through think. The Sun Bowl people always do a great job. Plus these guys will love it when they see all the hot Latinas just ask the military guys lol
The kids will have fun down here, they know nothing about el paso, just what they here or people who've driven through think. The Sun Bowl people always do a great job. Plus these guys will love it when they see all the hot Latinas just ask the military guys lol

I agree, the Sunbowl committee always does a fantastic job at showing the teams the City and entertaining them. 9/10 times the coaches leave with a great impression of El Paso and the Sunbowl. Its just a shame that we get a bad rap before they even show up.
With them in the middle of a coaching change and playing a Mike Leach offense, Miami best not just mail this one in. If they show up unmotivated WSU will give them a bigger reason to hate El Paso.

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