You have been in the oil and natural gas business for 35 years and you don’t know the difference between the Keystone Pipeline and the Keystone XL? It was the Supreme Court, Donald Trump’s cherry picked Supreme Court, who killed Phase 4 (the Keystone XL). Why would you say the project would be a go? Donald Trump had four years to complete a two year project and didn’t. What would have been different in a second term?
I am very familiar with the difference between Keystone and Keystone XL and if you come to Dallas I will introduce you to many of those who worked on the project. Yes Trump wanted Keystone and Biden doesn't. And yes Keystone would bring lower oil and gas prices. The Presidents role is not to construct pipelines,, their role is to facilitate the permitting process so that it is easier to do so. And under Trump, there would not be a permitting issue.
Reread my post "Within his first month, Biden made it so that the Presidential permit needed from the Feds would not be granted for the Keystone Pipeline. I truly believe that with the latest (last week) SCOTUS ruling on EPA, this project would be a go!!" Stand by my statement it is my belief that the current makeup of the court would rule in favor of Keystone. But it wouldn't matter because the Secretary of State will not now issue that crucial Presidential permit which is needed to construct.
You said gas was $1.50 under Donald Trump and I provided evidence that it wasn’t. You then replied that gas went up in Q1 2021 because of various Joe Biden policies. No mention that gas went from $1.84 to $2.19 during Trump’s last year in office. Gas prices were already going up.
The chart you provided is for all grades of gasoline nationwide. Low grade fuel in Dallas is much cheaper than what is on that chart. I asked 2 friends in the Dallas area what was the price of gas pre Covid in Dallas. One person said $1.56 and the second said $1.60. I stand by my claim that fuel prices went up significantly on Biden's watch.
Regarding going up from $1.84 to 2.19. The $1.84 price was from April 2020 during Covid. Oil was in the negative price per barrel at that time or in May. A better reference point would be pre Covid or February 2020 at $2.44 to $2,19 January 2021. Per the EIA chart you provided, today $4,22 in March 2022 (pre Ukraine). I stand by my stance that Biden's policies raised oil and gas prices
Impossible to explore or build a refinery? The newest refinery in the US is the Texas International Terminals refinery in Channelview, Texas and started operating in Feb 2022. What about the one in Garyville, Louisiana?
Per the Energy Information Agency the Channelview was operational in January 2022. It generally takes 3 to 5 years from the start of the environmental permitting, to the operational phase. The Garyville LA refinery was built in 1977. Please read I stand by my statement that it would be darn near impossible to build a refinery today due to the Environmental permitting.
People in US Oil and Gas complain about investors and shareholders and quarterly profits margins more than they do about President Biden. I don’t like high gas prices just like the rest of you. I don’t care if you think Trump was great and/or President Biden is bad. It’s just important to be accurate. The Anti-Joe crowd has done nothing but deflect and move the goal posts in this thread. I don’t own any Joe merch. If gas prices really are on him, let’s get to the bottom of it, and move forward.
I'm not trying to pump up Trump or bash Biden. The simple fact is that Biden's policies have been horrible for the US Energy industry. Some of you may be in the pro climate, anti fossil fuel camp and if you are this is the natural fallout from that policy. I'm not trying nor can I ever change that perspective.
When I tell you it is 100x harder to build energy facilities now than anytime in the last 30+ years, that is a fact from personal experience not a vendetta against any one person. I am all for weening off fossil fuels GRADUALLY, but the current Administration took a sledge hammer to it.
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