Cool. I see your concern Rocket. Valid opinion.
Okay, from a Liberal perspective. Crime is down. It’s been going down for the last 25 years. Most
Demographers credit an aging population with the decrease in crime.
From a Liberal point of view, to label inner cities as entirely crime ridden is too broad and ignores the vast majority of people who are good, living decent lives.
Can things get better? Of course.
Now my opinion, in my opinion, Liberals and Conservatives are guilty of the same thing. Too broad arguments with a lack of nuance and compromise.
A mature government would pass laws with both Liberal and Conservative ideas. How Liberal or how Conservative the laws would be would be determined by who won the election.
Conservatives want to paint the inner city communities as places under siege, not entirely true.
Liberals want to paint cops as aggressors. They’re not.
The extremes pull the sides farther and farther apart. Common sense, compromise is being left behind.
MinerMX, I respect your answer, and it is a good one, I just don't think it goes deep enough.
I posted this before, and can you further explain: I am talking about Violent Crime. I have not even got into the homeless issues.
Why are liberal run cities such a mess? Take control of your own cities and stop trying to pass the buck and set blame where it should lie.
Homelessness, high crime, underwater finances, soft policing, lax immigration control, high taxes, and business adverse regulations. A guaranteed formula for failure.
When Democrats are in control, cities tend to go soft on crime, reward cronies with public funds, establish hostile business environments, heavily tax the most productive citizens and set up fat pensions for their union friends. Simply put, theirs is a Blue State blueprint for disaster.
But of course, lets defund the police and blame it on the conservatives. So further:
Other fantastic liberal run cities like NY, Detroit, St. Louis and New Orleans. Isn't Minneapolis another one? All these years to make all these changes they are crying about, yet have done nothing but run those cities into the ground. Let's not mention Baltimore or Chicago as it further shows the violence.
Actually if you take those 5 liberal cities out of the equation in deaths by guns, I believe the United States drops to 83rd in the numbers.
So my question: Off the top of your head, name a conservative city that has the issues like these?