OT: Next Big Thing for El Paso?

Do you really think they could lease out a building that size,? I doubt it, I don’t think people here would do the high rise thing.
I know, unfortunately a lot of people in the border land have that small town rancho mentality. I do like the fact that they're starting to build several tall buildings in Juarez for dwelling purposes because city is growing and expanding horizontally crazy far out to the southeast and that's not good.

OT: Next Big Thing for El Paso?

Why would we need a 34 floor building?
That was a silly question!
Condominiums, the one been built in Juarez ALL condominiums are SOLD OUT at about 4 million pesos or $203,045 USD each. In fact I do remember that a few years ago an investor from Miami wanted to build 20 story building on the West Side by Coronado but was cancelled due to some stupid neighbors complaining that the building was going to block the view and the investor went somewhere else.
