OT Mayoral Candidates

While we bicker and complain about Trump and Biden, our local politicians have a huge impact on our quality of life. I find it interesting that this lady is running for Mayor and fails to mention or address the fact that she charged $6,700 to her city gas card. But hey, on the good side she wants to build the arena.
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Hunt family donate $2.5 Million to help UTEP transition to MW

Woody and Gayle Hunt Family Foundation pledges $2.5 million to support UTEP Athletics’ transition to Mountain West Conference


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  • Poll
OT: Next Big Thing for El Paso?

What will be El Paso's next big thing to come?

  • State of the Art Aquarium

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Great Wolf Lodge / Other form of new waterpark

    Votes: 15 31.3%
  • New Amusement Park

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • New Pro Team (pending Arena resolve)

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • IKEA / Other Large Retailer

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • Other (fill in blank)

    Votes: 7 14.6%

just curious to gage your thoughts what El Paso can realistically land in the future. the El Paso Chihuahuahus are now entering it's 5th season and has been a tremendous succes. Top Golf just recently opened as well. Mountians Star Sports also just announced a new pro soccer team in hopes of luring MLS down the road. Of course we know what's going with the quality of Life bonds and the Arena fiasco. Unfortunately we also had no chance in landing Amazon's second headquarters.

Women's Volleyball

I've noticed some of the ESPN channels showing women's volleyball matches in off hours. It's usually Power 5 conference games. I've noticed also that Conference USA has one or two teams in the top 25 ranking. Maybe I'm just wishing on one hand and farting on the other, that Conference USA could get in on some revenue stream by showing our conference games. UTEP has its' best team in maybe forever and is ranked third in the conference after Western Kentucky and Rice. We might as well try to maximize our impact on things when we have something positive to show for it. I know numerous bloggers are down on CUSA, but still, when we've got something positive happening, play it up. Any thoughts?
