Unicorn are you a Utep Miner or just an agitator? Your concerns seem to be more about you being right about Floyd and your perspective of him rather than what is good for our program and getting back on track.
People like you who pretend to care about the program and sit and wait for anything to happen that would support your point of view so that you can say you were right add nothing to what we're collectively trying to do and where we're trying to go. We all know where we've been the last seven years you don't have to remind us every time things go sideways. It is what it is it's a new season let's try and get back on track Floyd is more than capable and if it goes south then it can be reevaluated but for now you serve no purpose here other than to agitate and pretend to be a fan. I'm not blind to our issues but attacking every player that comes to the program and blaming every thing that happens like Jones leaving on Coach is ridiculous. It not about you get over yourself.