Fire Kugler


MI Hall of Famer
Sep 11, 2013
It has to be done and it has to be done today. Stull need to fire Kugler after the game. Sounds drastic but the program will hemorage money the last three home games. With seven home games next year we need to give people a reason to buy tickets. Get a jump start and start the coaching search now. I say get sonnie combie from TCU,
I don't even know what to think about this program. They've hit a low we haven't seen in years with the performance today and that's saying a lot. I'm really thinking this team has quit on Kugler. His "rah rah my way or the highway" mentality looks to have run its course. He's run offseveral players and he has shown an inability to adapt both on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. He said that Price left him a "dumpster fire" when he arrived at UTEP but Kugler may have this team in a far worse situation.
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Any good athletic director would have Kugler in his office Monday morning making him answer tough questions and asking him WTF is going on. Not Bob Dull Stull. Still will probably sign him to a contract extension. Still doesn't have the balls to fire Kugler. Stulll is at the game just saying AWWW Shucks to himself and making excuses why he hired Kugler.
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I don't even know what to think about this program. They've hit a low we haven't seen in years with the performance today and that's saying a lot. I'm really thinking this team has quit on Kugler. His "rah rah my way or the highway" mentality looks to have run its course. He's run offseveral players and he has shown an inability to adapt both on the offensive and defensive side of the ball. He said that Price left him a "dumpster fire" when he arrived at UTEP but Kugler may have this team in a far worse situation.
That dumpster fire Price left has now spread and caused a building fire with Kugler here.
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I didn't really criticize Kug's recruiting classes , but you have to admit their is not a lot of there there. Great character guys don't trump great athletes. You need some playa's .
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Nothing will happen, if anything til the end of the year. We'll will be 2-10 and very lucky to have even those wins. I personally think Kugler will step down at the end of the season. Stull will try n convince him to stay however and say next year will be better. This team left fans with hope and even though we have injuries the offensive line who should be our strength is awful, secondary is awful and these kids look in coached and lost. Natalicio let's Stull do what he wants and doesn't care. Kugler was a bad hire, from an experience stand point. He has passion, but he doesn't understand college football as a head coach and it's showing this year!
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