Truth be told, the only person who improved access around UTEP was President Ronald Reagan (and I'm left of center) because UTEP had to become hanicapped compliant and it's still a challenge for senior citizens and handicapped wanting to catch a football or basketball game.
Being the Christmas time which is basically a season of the "hope of expectation" as we are to give to one another and hope for a better future (New Year), I hope the decision makers of UTEP brass, both on the formal chart and informal organizational chart, can come together and decide if both coaches from the major revenue sports have their teams on a winning path. Kugler told EP Times article (that came out today) he does, but his inconsistency and underperformance during a friendly scheduled year has to be concerning and his coaching decisions are suspect. For four years the opponents are just stacking the line with seven or eight and just keep recievers in front of them. His signature O line has not developed to full potential as he professes and this is with a top round draft pick offensive lineman as the anchor! Floyd has lost control. It's getting uglier every week and Floyd can only blame himself. Transfer rules and blaming the attitudes of Millenial age basketball players does not hold much water. His ship is taking on water fast and the bilge pump doesn't appear to be working. He needs a miracle, as does Kugler (but Kug has an off season and season to do something, Floyd appears to have run out of time and patience and makes it worse with his ugly losses and compunding it with his media interview babbling).