Any schools on the west coast looking to go D1??
NMSU and UTep need to work together.
What about the Idaho Schools or the Dakotas?? Can NAU go D1?? What about the Montana schools?? I wish Grand Canyon would start a football program.
Come on Senter this is a easy fix. Get on the phone and start a new conference or just bring back the WAC. This is an easy fix. Fox needs to step up and challenge ESPN.
NMSU and UTep need to work together.
What about the Idaho Schools or the Dakotas?? Can NAU go D1?? What about the Montana schools?? I wish Grand Canyon would start a football program.
Come on Senter this is a easy fix. Get on the phone and start a new conference or just bring back the WAC. This is an easy fix. Fox needs to step up and challenge ESPN.