I finally understand the skepticism. A couple factors can explain my active participation:
(*) I manage a publishing team. My hours are my own. I spend a lot of time in front of this screen.
(*) As such, I look for humor, ironic twists, a good campfire tale and, living in Big 12 country, I thirst for fresh info on the Miners.
(*) As a 45-year newspaper and magazine hack who now publishes 2-3 books a year, I'm guessing I can type faster than most any other poster. I don't claim my stuff is particularly compelling, but it's a river ... and it just flies off this keyboard.
As a newbie in this neighborhood, I have no stripes here, but I would urge your fellow posters to challenge what you know. Or think you know.
Learned this fundamental of fact-finding journalism in classes at Holliday Hall, on the campus of my alma mater, University of Texas at by-gawd El Paso.