Does basketball practice start Friday?

I'm not invited, but I hope someone posts a few updates.

Pretty sure the Miners can't start until Saturday. If I understood correctly, a team can start practicing 42 days before their first official game (exhibitions obviously don't count). UTEP first plays on Saturday, November 14th. 42 days before that happens to fall on this coming Saturday. I could be wrong on that tho.
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I know Willms posted he's clear to play, but why wasn't it never reported by Utep, Newspaper or Floyd? Still unsure til I know for sure
I know Willms posted he's clear to play, but why wasn't it never reported by Utep, Newspaper or Floyd? Still unsure til I know for sure

I agree that local media coverage of UTEP basketball, especially during off-season, is weak. And it's only slightly better during the season.
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What is there to cover during the season other than UTEP did jack shit in a weak CUSA again, and didn't make the NCAA Tourney?????

What is there to cover during the season other than UTEP did jack shit in a weak CUSA again, and didn't make the NCAA Tourney?????

You mad bro?

Have a little hope. The season hasn't even begun. As much of a letdown as the past few years have been, it is a new day. Could be a hell of a year and you'd be squandering it away bitching and moaning about yesterday. Let it go man. It's gonna be okay.
You mad bro?

Have a little hope. The season hasn't even begun. As much of a letdown as the past few years have been, it is a new day. Could be a hell of a year and you'd be squandering it away bitching and moaning about yesterday. Let it go man. It's gonna be okay.
Good luck with that happening.
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You mad bro?

Have a little hope. The season hasn't even begun. As much of a letdown as the past few years have been, it is a new day. Could be a hell of a year and you'd be squandering it away bitching and moaning about yesterday. Let it go man. It's gonna be okay.
Wow.. Some really scorned fans out here!
I'm not saying UTEP will win CUSA, but with the good news of Wilms back; UTEP looks damn good now. Down side, loss of Omega hurts for first half of season. His explosivness is unmatched. We have to realize we got spoiled by Vince Hunter and the dynamic (and head ache) that the opposing coaches had to deal with. He's gone now. I feel Floyd is keeping thing on the down low because of that factor; Hunter was that special of a player. Just saying...
I'm not saying UTEP will win CUSA, but with the good news of Wilms back; UTEP looks damn good now. Down side, loss of Omega hurts for first half of season. His explosivness is unmatched. We have to realize we got spoiled by Vince Hunter and the dynamic (and head ache) that the opposing coaches had to deal with. He's gone now. I feel Floyd is keeping thing on the down low because of that factor; Hunter was that special of a player. Just saying...
How does Wilms make UTEP look damn good now?? He came in here as a project player and he still remains that. His offensive skills are below average at best and is is average on the defensive side. And he shoots like 60% from the free throw line.
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A sign that he needs to get some. Poor thing can someone please find him/her someone, who will do him/her the favor.

GO Miners...
Yawn. I give it a 1 out of 10. Here is some careful on your put downs cause your response set me up for an easy come back. But I am a nice guy and didn't go down that easy road. I come on here to discuss UTEP sports, not get into put down posts.
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Yawn. I give it a 1 out of 10. Here is some careful on your put downs cause your response set me up for an easy come back. But I am a nice guy and didn't go down that easy road. I come on here to discuss UTEP sports, not get into put down posts.

No, you come on here to put down UTEP sports.
I don't put UTEP down all the time. I am a UTEP fan not a UTEP puppet. A fan sets the bar high and wants UTEP to kick ass on a national level. A puppet is satisfied with any result and always has an excuse for poor performance, and gets butt hurt all the time when anyone questions poor performance. I am just tired of our sorry excuse for an athletic director we have and is slowly regressing UTEP towards a Sun Belt level school for sports. Then on top of that we have a dead end basketball coach who gets contract extensions for doing nothing, cause our AD is an idiot, so the only two circumstances in which he will leave is if another school hires him(which won't happen), or he retires(but our AD will let him stay as long as Floyd wants to keep coaching). Then he turns down a mountain west bid to stay in conference that sucks ass.

Now can you trolls please stop derailing the thread and stop with the personal attacks. And answer my question on Wilms that I posted above.
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I'm not saying UTEP will win CUSA, but with the good news of Wilms back; UTEP looks damn good now. Down side, loss of Omega hurts for first half of season. His explosivness is unmatched. We have to realize we got spoiled by Vince Hunter and the dynamic (and head ache) that the opposing coaches had to deal with. He's gone now. I feel Floyd is keeping thing on the down low because of that factor; Hunter was that special of a player. Just saying...
Good much as Willms plays soft, we will be a better team with him. I believe last year the basketball team was too dependant on Hunter. Almost like our offense revolved around Aaron Jones in football. It seemed like the team would go into a panic when he would foul out or go to the bench to rest. The lack of a true point guard really hurt in those situatiins. I think with all these new kids we have and Hunter not being on the team..that will be a blessing in disguise. They should be able to develop better around Artis.
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I don't put UTEP down all the time. I am a UTEP fan not a UTEP puppet. A fan sets the bar high and wants UTEP to kick ass on a national level. A puppet is satisfied with any result and always has an excuse for poor performance, and gets butt hurt all the time when anyone questions poor performance. I am just tired of our sorry excuse for an athletic director we have and is slowly regressing UTEP towards a Sun Belt level school for sports. Then on top of that we have a dead end basketball coach who gets contract extensions for doing nothing, cause our AD is an idiot, so the only two circumstances in which he will leave is if another school hires him(which won't happen), or he retires(but our AD will let him stay as long as Floyd wants to keep coaching). Then he turns down a mountain west bid to stay in conference that sucks ass.

Now can you trolls please stop derailing the thread and stop with the personal attacks. And answer my question on Wilms that I posted above.

You have a twisted sense of fandom. Suffering in relative silence doesn't make one a dupe. It's monotonous to gripe endlessly about flaws. It takes more sophistication and wisdom to look for the good, even in the face of what sometimes seems hopeless. That's what true fans do.
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We relied on Hunter cause
Good much as Willms plays soft, we will be a better team with him. I believe last year the basketball team was too dependant on Hunter. Almost like our offense revolved around Aaron Jones in football. It seemed like the team would go into a panic when he would foul out or go to the bench to rest. The lack of a true point guard really hurt in those situatiins. I think with all these new kids we have and Hunter not being on the team..that will be a blessing in disguise. They should be able to develop better around Artis.
How will we be better with Wilms.
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If Wilms can get at least a double double we'll be in good shape because of the depth in our guard position. Our guards will carry this team.
We relied on Hunter cause

How will we be better with Wilms.
Basketball is not all about scoring. His presence on the court is a distraction for the other teams on defense. He doesn't have to score to contribute to the team they already have people that can score. And last I checked he is a decent rebounder
Epsilon you said,

"I don't put UTEP down all the time. I am a UTEP fan not a UTEP puppet. A fan sets the bar high and wants UTEP to kick ass on a national level. A puppet is satisfied with any result and always has an excuse for poor performance, and gets butt hurt all the time when anyone questions poor performance. I am just tired of our sorry excuse for an athletic director we have and is slowly regressing UTEP towards a Sun Belt level school for sports. Then on top of that we have a dead end basketball coach who gets contract extensions for doing nothing, cause our AD is an idiot, so the only two circumstances in which he will leave is if another school hires him(which won't happen), or he retires(but our AD will let him stay as long as Floyd wants to keep coaching). Then he turns down a mountain west bid to stay in conference that sucks ass.

Now can you trolls please stop derailing the thread and stop with the personal attacks. And answer my question on Wilms that I posted above."

An objective onlooker would have absolutely no idea that you are a UTEP basketball fan. Football might be different as I've seen a bit more of a balance to your posts in that regard. You cannot hide, nor deny, your disdain for the bb program though. It is not all rainbows and unicorns as chi so typically pointed out, yet as a fan one might be at least somewhat optimistic that things just might get a little better, perhaps even a lot better. There is plenty of reason to be hopeful this year. Maybe you're just protecting a fragile heart that has all but been broken and beyond repair. You mention that you're tired of Stull, Floyd and the direction UTEP bb has been going for the past while...I think everybody knows that by now. You saying it over and over demonstrates a lack of intelligence on your part, not those who are asking you to sing a different tune. Everybody defines "fan" differently, and maybe you are one, I don't know, but I have a difficult time seeing it. To each their own though.
So 90 % of us are puppets. A true fan will stay loyal and will not bitch, whine or put down players and coaches the way some so called UTEP fans do. We are also frustrated, the problem is that
we can't compete with the big 5 in recruiting. In the 80's it was kind of even in the recruiting
process but when college sports turned into billions of dollars in profit, the big schools found
ways to keep the top recruits. I know you have Gonzaga and Richmond but have they
won the national title?

In reference to Willms, yes he makes the team better due to his size. The other teams will
cover him in the paint and that will most likely give the guards more options on the court.

Go Miners.
Like mentioned above Wilms is 7'1 and plays soft. That is a huge red flag. He is 7'1 but only averaged 4 rebounds last year. He is not a good rebounder. Vince was our best rebounder because he was aggressive. Wilms is not aggressive at all. He has a very limited offensive skill set. And he is a 62% free throw shooter. If you expect him be be putting up a double double per game, we are in trouble.
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I'm cautiously optimistic based on whats gone on with this basketball team. I'll be hoping for the best, but expecting mediocrity, because I've seen no different from Floyd. Am I Puppet or a Fan?
I'm cautiously optimistic based on whats gone on with this basketball team. I'll be hoping for the best, but expecting mediocrity, because I've seen no different from Floyd. Am I Puppet or a Fan?

I think everybody is hoping for the best, but at the same time won't have confidence UTEP will go to the Big Dance. You sound like a fan to me.
It's an imperfect metaphor, but from a fan's perspective, I'd compare UTEP football to the Cleveland Browns and UTEP basketball to the New York Jets.

Imperfect because UTEP is in CUSA not the NFL, and should be able to win it from time to time. What works is Cleveland has never made a Super Bowl, and the Jets won one -- a long time ago.

And yet, there remain fans and supporters of these teams. Hope pulls them forward to the next season. Expecting them to win championships then throwing tantrums when they don't changes nothing.
I don't put UTEP down all the time. I am a UTEP fan not a UTEP puppet. A fan sets the bar high and wants UTEP to kick ass on a national level. A puppet is satisfied with any result and always has an excuse for poor performance, and gets butt hurt all the time when anyone questions poor performance. I am just tired of our sorry excuse for an athletic director we have and is slowly regressing UTEP towards a Sun Belt level school for sports. Then on top of that we have a dead end basketball coach who gets contract extensions for doing nothing, cause our AD is an idiot, so the only two circumstances in which he will leave is if another school hires him(which won't happen), or he retires(but our AD will let him stay as long as Floyd wants to keep coaching). Then he turns down a mountain west bid to stay in conference that sucks ass.

Now can you trolls please stop derailing the thread and stop with the personal attacks. And answer my question on Wilms that I posted above.
Stop derailing the thread? Seriously? Your first post derailed the thread! Unicorn asked for confirmation on the start of basketball practice. Which post of yours answered that?
I have the Aholes on ignore as well but some of the turds they fling on here are evident when I read what some of us respond to them. The thing is, they really don't care if you call them an Ahole or anything else. If you respond, BINGO, mission accomplished. they're really sick and they get off on a response. Any response. They will claim that they're UTEP fans, that they care, that they just wanna know...but it's just a false mechanism to elicit that precious response they crave from you/anyone.

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