Yes Vegasminer, I might be a shitty fan but I least I'm a fan who wants for UTEP to improve and get out of Conference USA before the likes of Sam Houston State, NMSU, and Texas State to leave us behind for a better conference. I don't think keeping Dimel as coach will make it possible for that to happen.
...then we want the same things. As far as our coach...
I'm grading Coach on a curve:
  • are we competitive vs our recent past? Yes.
  • Are we maximizing our players with in-game play calling? The past couple of games yes (previously hell no.)
  • Player development/retention/recruiting/motivation? Mostly yes.
  • Results on the field? Mixed (bad overall record, but Boise State/UTSA/FIU would disagree.) He earned another year.
How would I fix it? Offense: Coordinator. Occasionally, play tempo offense at the right time. Winning time of possession is great but winning the game trumps that. Defense: Speedier backs. Establish contingency to defend a lead and not give up home run type completions. Defend tempo offense.
I don't know all the answers but you have to admit that we were very close to a 7 or 8 win season this year (that would have taken the poison out of the trolls that populate this forum.)
...then we want the same things. As far as our coach...
I'm grading Coach on a curve:
  • are we competitive vs our recent past? Yes.
  • Are we maximizing our players with in-game play calling? The past couple of games yes (previously hell no.)
  • Player development/retention/recruiting/motivation? Mostly yes.
  • Results on the field? Mixed (bad overall record, but Boise State/UTSA/FIU would disagree.) He earned another year.
How would I fix it? Offense: Coordinator. Occasionally, play tempo offense at the right time. Winning time of possession is great but winning the game trumps that. Defense: Speedier backs. Establish contingency to defend a lead and not give up home run type completions. Defend tempo offense.
I don't know all the answers but you have to admit that we were very close to a 7 or 8 win season this year (that would have taken the poison out of the trolls that populate this forum.)
Oh great another fired O-Coordinator, when Dimel calls his play. It’s his crappy game management that has cost this team wins. Fire Dimel. Should be the answer, it’s not. It should.
Just catching up on this Deaver deal.

That fake tweet was hilarious and clearly a troll job. Media people have fake accounts made about them all the time and I have never seen any of them whine about it like today.

Alex ran probably the best blog UTEP ever had and has far more credibility than Deaver in my eyes. Alex ran the blog out of passion. Deaver gets paid to cover sports in EP. I've said it before on this website and I'll say it again, Deaver is more about Deaver than he is about the news. If Deaver wasn't only about himself, he would have claimed that the fake account wasn't him, brushed it off, had a laugh, and moved on. The fact that he went on with Kappy to whine about this further proves my point. This concludes my TedTalk.

Bring back Miner Rush!
Mike Price had 7 straight losing seasons.
Exactly, and the same people on here that think Dimel is doing a great job are the same ones that wanted Price to keep coaching. That year Lord Chabelo is talking about was with Nord's players. Price did nothing with his own. We don't need the team run into the ground and have a long rebuild.
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Just catching up on this Deaver deal.

That fake tweet was hilarious and clearly a troll job. Media people have fake accounts made about them all the time and I have never seen any of them whine about it like today.

Alex ran probably the best blog UTEP ever had and has far more credibility than Deaver in my eyes. Alex ran the blog out of passion. Deaver gets paid to cover sports in EP. I've said it before on this website and I'll say it again, Deaver is more about Deaver than he is about the news. If Deaver wasn't only about himself, he would have claimed that the fake account wasn't him, brushed it off, had a laugh, and moved on. The fact that he went on with Kappy to whine about this further proves my point. This concludes my TedTalk.

Bring back Miner Rush!
I cannot believe deaver acted like such a little b on sports talk. He made himself look worse and unprofessional by calling in and acting like a scorned woman. Show some class. It was a joke and it happens to a lot of reporters. You can also tell he’s super sensitive by people saying he hates Utep and only likes nmsu. He did not conduct himself with any sense of class nor did he act professional at all. The dude is a child, needs to grow up.
...then we want the same things. As far as our coach...
I'm grading Coach on a curve:
  • are we competitive vs our recent past? Yes.
  • Are we maximizing our players with in-game play calling? The past couple of games yes (previously hell no.)
  • Player development/retention/recruiting/motivation? Mostly yes.
  • Results on the field? Mixed (bad overall record, but Boise State/UTSA/FIU would disagree.) He earned another year.
How would I fix it? Offense: Coordinator. Occasionally, play tempo offense at the right time. Winning time of possession is great but winning the game trumps that. Defense: Speedier backs. Establish contingency to defend a lead and not give up home run type completions. Defend tempo offense.
I don't know all the answers but you have to admit that we were very close to a 7 or 8 win season this year (that would have taken the poison out of the trolls that populate this forum.)
Why grade on a curve? Only those who are flunking wants the teacher to grade on a curve.,
Dismel can recruit, just can’t coach.
He has been a cry baby for some time now. You are the media, things like this come with the territory, especially someone jocking NMSU left and right. I’m sure NMSU feeds his ego. 😂
...then we want the same things. As far as our coach...
I'm grading Coach on a curve:
  • are we competitive vs our recent past? Yes.
  • Are we maximizing our players with in-game play calling? The past couple of games yes (previously hell no.)
  • Player development/retention/recruiting/motivation? Mostly yes.
  • Results on the field? Mixed (bad overall record, but Boise State/UTSA/FIU would disagree.) He earned another year.
How would I fix it? Offense: Coordinator. Occasionally, play tempo offense at the right time. Winning time of possession is great but winning the game trumps that. Defense: Speedier backs. Establish contingency to defend a lead and not give up home run type completions. Defend tempo offense.
I don't know all the answers but you have to admit that we were very close to a 7 or 8 win season this year (that would have taken the poison out of the trolls that populate this forum.)
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

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