Hats off to Kugler


MI Hall of Famer
Sep 11, 2013
There was nothing but negativity around the program the last few weeks. The team could have easily quit. They didnt and they play hard for Kugler. The offensive playcalling was much improved. If not for some drops Leftwich would have thrown for 400 yds. The coaching staff did a great job coaching up the guys and rebuilding their confidence during the bye week.
I agree. Interesting that there are always a bunch of doom & gloom critics ready to call for the coach, AD, trainers, etc. to be fired when things aren't going well, but they don't have the balls to stand up and say "Well done" when the Miners win. Of course, that is probably because they can only feel good when they are tearing someone else down - like most losers.
I agree. Interesting that there are always a bunch of doom & gloom critics ready to call for the coach, AD, trainers, etc. to be fired when things aren't going well, but they don't have the balls to stand up and say "Well done" when the Miners win. Of course, that is probably because they can only feel good when they are tearing someone else down - like most losers.

That may be true, but not entirely accurate. It was a good win, but it doesn't change the inherent problems within the program. From most of the posts I've read, that's been the focus; fixing the problems. Sure, a few have called for Kugs to get canned, that's par for the course in coaching. Keeping all things relative, FAU is 1-6, beating them 27-17 doesn't mean any of those problems are fixed.
I agree. Interesting that there are always a bunch of doom & gloom critics ready to call for the coach, AD, trainers, etc. to be fired when things aren't going well, but they don't have the balls to stand up and say "Well done" when the Miners win. Of course, that is probably because they can only feel good when they are tearing someone else down - like most losers.

Did you really say that? Really? You come from behind to beat the second worst team in the FBS and then have the nerve to call other posters "losers" for legitimately critiquing this program?
LOL...Metz calls his plays in the 2 minute and all of a sudden he's an OC....that should make all qb's an OC! Even more reason to fire Higgins! That play calling was way outside Higgins usual 8 so makes me wonder who had the controls?

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