Damn 2step, I thought you were overestimating.Don't be surprised if you wake up and read close to or at 1,000 new cases in El Paso within the next coming days.
This is beyond worrisome.
Damn 2step, I thought you were overestimating.Don't be surprised if you wake up and read close to or at 1,000 new cases in El Paso within the next coming days.
I'm reading the ktsm site and they are saying that some people who have tested positive are not isolating and are refusing to be cooperative with contact tracing
Just goes to show that issues like politics and race are often scapegoats for people just being selfish, idiotic and hurtful towards others. We each control our own actions.I’m reminded of what Chris Rock said,”We’re a nation of B and C students.” Unfortunately I tend to believe we’re leaning more to a country of C and D students.
I'm just completely shocked that people who know they're positive are still going about their way as if nothing. You'd think that would be against the law
Tell that to New Zealand. Competent leadership would have prevented many cases.Just goes to show that issues like politics and race are often scapegoats for people just being selfish, idiotic and hurtful towards others. We each control our own actions.
Unfortunately some people just don't care until someone they know is dying or they themselves are dying.
Summertime: "I feel fine", "If I get it, I get it"It’s not just the people who know they’re positive, it’s the people who think that they could be positive. The fact that people could be asymptomatic and spread the disease is the hard part. I bet there are a lot of people who are sick and they just tell themselves “It’s just allergies.” Or some something like that.
NZ shut it down to ZERO, twiceTell that to New Zealand. Competent leadership would have prevented many cases.
They traced some of the cases back to a trash can. That’s very impressive.NZ shut it down to ZERO, twice
They traced some of the cases back to a trash can. That’s very impressive.
Rubbish bin the likely source of Covid infection
The Ministry of Health has identified a rubbish bin as the probable source of a recent Covid-19 case - a similar event to the case of a worker in Auckland who was infected by a lift button.www.rnz.co.nz
Yeap only 12 more days until the virus disappears.It’s a hoax, and/or it has a 99% survival rate, and/or you are being PC by wearing a mask, and/or it will just go away...
What happened in the RGV is also applicable in El Paso. These multi-generational households with Abuelita/o staying with kids, parents, aunts/uncles, etc. Exacerbated by the overall health and access to medical services, what a time bomb.
Those restrictions seem like the biggest waste of time. The city needs to really crack down and fine people in violation orders. All those parties people are throwing, and as much as it may hurt they should probably look at closing bars again. They all just skirted around the rules by serving food, and I would think they’re a major driver of this mess."All league practices, games, tournaments are not allowed in City parks for at least two weeks. This is for both City and private leagues. No permits will be issued at this point for any activity until November 6.
Parks will only be open for use of trails, walking paths, and playground equipment for small children.
Extending limitations at City museums, libraries, zoo, aquatic centers; senior centers; and daycare centers.
City of El Paso update on COVID-19 efforts on Thursday, October 22, 2020
“Each case represents a person, a mother, a father, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters and children. A member of a family – our family,” said Mayor Dee Margo. “I am asking all residents to please stay home when possible, only leave for essential items, and do not take the entire family when shopping. We must all do our part to stop the spread of the virus.”
1000 again this morning reported. 100 new hospitalizations. Feds are rolling into EP to help hospitals. Local hospital workers are starting to sound like NY hospital workers in 2020 early spring (one I know begged a non profit group I volunteer for to chill on our activities in a zoom meeting). You need permits now to even fart in groups of ten or more in EP and rightly so. I expect to see PD patrols with all lights on at night again like I saw in the spring rolling thru neighborhoods.
But putting a "Thank you frontline workers!!" sign in your hard makes it all better.I can only imagine the frustration our healthcare workers must feel knowing that so many of these hospitalizations could have been avoided.
It looks like schools are opening sooner rather than later as TEA is only allowing schools 12 weeks of remote learning.
Clint is starting school next week as they’ve used up their 12 weeks. The other school districts are going back in early November.
Rather than closing schools where community transmission is high, businesses like restaurants, bars or other indoor spaces where adults congregate should be shuttered, Dr. Rubin said.
Are you positive bro?Coronavirus is about to become very real to me.
Not me. Well maybe but this isn’t about me.Are you positive bro?
EL PASO, Texas – Hospitals in El Paso will soon be airlifting patients to other health-care facilities in Texas in an effort to deal with a record-setting surge of Covid-19 cases.
Local hospitals are working with the Border Regional Advisory Council, or BorderRAC, to coordinate airlifting patients requiring critical care to other health-care facilities in Texas.
The move was announced in statement issued by University Medical Center on Saturday evening.
Whether patients are airlifted will be a voluntary decision made by patients and their families.
Airlifting will be done on a limited basis, if needed, with up to 20 patients being airlifted in a 24-hour period.
Additionally, the state of Texas will be sending three or four fully functional tents with staff and equipment to help with the Covid response.
UMC will be getting at least one of those tents. They will be staged on the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center parking lot, located directly behind UMC’s main campus.
Each tent will be able to accommodate between 17 to 20 patients and will help with emergency department overload.
EL PASO, Texas – Hospitals in El Paso will soon be airlifting patients to other health-care facilities in Texas in an effort to deal with a record-setting surge of Covid-19 cases.
Local hospitals are working with the Border Regional Advisory Council, or BorderRAC, to coordinate airlifting patients requiring critical care to other health-care facilities in Texas.
The move was announced in statement issued by University Medical Center on Saturday evening.
Whether patients are airlifted will be a voluntary decision made by patients and their families.
Airlifting will be done on a limited basis, if needed, with up to 20 patients being airlifted in a 24-hour period.
Additionally, the state of Texas will be sending three or four fully functional tents with staff and equipment to help with the Covid response.
UMC will be getting at least one of those tents. They will be staged on the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center parking lot, located directly behind UMC’s main campus.
Each tent will be able to accommodate between 17 to 20 patients and will help with emergency department overload.
Dang I hope they do OK Corona.Not me. Well maybe but this isn’t about me.
My mom’s dad is 94 and lives alone in Juarez. He’s very sick and needed to go to the hospital. Since there was no one over there to take him my mom did.
The doctor told her his lungs are failing but that in his professional opinion he didn’t have COVID. My mom felt a little better that she we wasn’t in direct danger of being infected.
Once the test results came back it turns out my grandpa is positive for COVID. My mom was exposed and of course exposed my dad who is currently going through radiation treatment.
My parents haven’t devolved symptoms except for my mom saying she feels very tired. They’re still undecided but tomorrow they might go for a test.