OT: Governor of Texas insults Cowboys and border communities

And was indicted as a sitting governor!

Really, you should quit sniffing glue....

Of course don't let statistics get in the way of your myopic thinking!
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"highest per capita gun murder rates in the US"- I'm still laughing that you think that is true.

Why is the #1 ranking for executions bad?

Is it Perry's fault teens don't know how to keep it in their pants? It's laughable to think a Governor has control over teen pregnancy.

  • Ranks #50 in $ spent for Medicaid for the poor and children- I am curious where they found that statistic. That certainly isn't the case here.
  • Ranks 50th ( dead last ) in $ spent on its citizens- Curious where you found that as well
  • Ranks 49th ( the 2nd lowest ) in Medicaid $ given to nursing homes- Curious where you found that as well.
It's funny that you show that NOT providing free money to people that are too lazy to work is a bad thing. There is a reason Texas is in a surplus- because we aren't stupid. Welfare has gone up by over $40 billion since Obama came to office and we are trillions of dollars in debt.

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