OT: Ominous Vibe

You can’t keep the car or your house if you file bankruptcy. They add your past due payments on to the original loan. Or you give up the car or house.
Bottom line, forgiving peoples debts just puts the burden on others.
Somebody has to pay, nothing is free except your love or hatred. Love is the better of the two.
Just out of curiosity what do you do for a living? Do you get paid doing it? If someone borrows money from you, do you expect them to pay it back? Or do you forgive the loan.
Depending on the bankruptcy, you actually can.

If you file chapter 7 and cannot pay your house, that debt 100% is not paid by anyone else. The next buyer on the house doesn’t pay for it, nor does the next loan applicant at the bank. The burden is on the lender. You know the banks that charge you all kinds of fees if you’re late or whatever. That’s whose money your worried about??? The ones charging you if you don’t have enough debit transactions or not enough balance in your savings??? That’s who you’re sticking up for?

Yes I work and get paid for it. I would only loan someone money if I could afford to lose that amount of money. Why would I loan someone more than I could afford to be without?

I am not paying back Skylar’s forgiven loans and neither are you. Not sure why you would take something so personally, when you’re just looking like a bootlicker for giant banks.
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You can’t keep the car or your house if you file bankruptcy. They add your past due payments on to the original loan. Or you give up the car or house.
Bottom line, forgiving peoples debts just puts the burden on others.
Somebody has to pay, nothing is free except your love or hatred. Love is the better of the two.
Just out of curiosity what do you do for a living? Do you get paid doing it? If someone borrows money from you, do you expect them to pay it back? Or do you forgive the loan.

Some of these things are more nuanced. Take bankruptcy for example. You can file for bankruptcy but continue to make payments -- obviously if you're able to -- and keep your house. The mortgage company won't take your house as long as you continue making your payments every month.

But in regards to the main discussion, I think Kane is right. "We" (government) prop up industries in times of trouble like airlines. All of that money is just added to our national debt which will never be paid off. We will pay the Chinese a billion in interest every month or whatever and just keep living happily, if ignorantly, along. Forgiving student loans is so insignificant compared to corporate bailouts.
Some of these things are more nuanced. Take bankruptcy for example. You can file for bankruptcy but continue to make payments -- obviously if you're able to -- and keep your house. The mortgage company won't take your house as long as you continue making your payments every month.

But in regards to the main discussion, I think Kane is right. "We" (government) prop up industries in times of trouble like airlines. All of that money is just added to our national debt which will never be paid off. We will pay the Chinese a billion in interest every month or whatever and just keep living happily, if ignorantly, along. Forgiving student loans is so insignificant compared to corporate bailouts.
Do you think that schools (who get paid either way) are more likely to increase or decrease tuition if student loans are forgiven?

If it results in increased tuition, do you think this is likely to increase or decrease the amount of student loan debt in the future?
Do you think that schools (who get paid either way) are more likely to increase or decrease tuition if student loans are forgiven?

If it results in increased tuition, do you think this is likely to increase or decrease the amount of student loan debt in the future?

I don't think student loan forgiveness plays into tuition. As you indicate the school gets paid either way. It's neither an increase or decrease factor for the school or for student loan debt.
I don't think student loan forgiveness plays into tuition. As you indicate the school gets paid either way. It's neither an increase or decrease factor for the school or for student loan debt.
I think it does, because when tuition is being subsidized (as student loan forgiveness would do), then schools have an incentive to charge more for it.
I can verify. My wife is STILL required to pay on hers. It's only been 20 years.
What's NOT a misconception is the democrats are trying to buy the young vote with these things.
That is unfortunate. People like you should be the ones upset. Ones that did the right thing by paying their loans and don’t get the handout. I paid off my student loans 5 years ago and I’m not getting a rebate or anything either. Sucks, but what cha gonna do?
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That is unfortunate. People like you should be the ones upset. Ones that did the right thing by paying their loans and don’t get the handout. I paid off my student loans 5 years ago and I’m not getting a rebate or anything either. Sucks, but what cha gonna do?
Exactly! My wife is pissed (more than She was a democrat when we met. Now, she can't stand their policies and how folks like us are treated.

If I ’m drowning in student debt, everyone else better be treading water too! No one’s riding off into the sunset debt-free while I’m over here counting pennies. If I can’t get mine forgiven, then I’m dragging everyone down with me. Misery loves company, right?
If I ’m drowning in student debt, everyone else better be treading water too! No one’s riding off into the sunset debt-free while I’m over here counting pennies. If I can’t get mine forgiven, then I’m dragging everyone down with me. Misery loves company, right?
Well, I think there should be some disgruntled loan borrowers, but that’s just how life is I guess.

It’s impossible to please everyone. Someone is always going to be upset or felt taken advantage of. Except the poor and illegals apparently.
If I ’m drowning in student debt, everyone else better be treading water too! No one’s riding off into the sunset debt-free while I’m over here counting pennies. If I can’t get mine forgiven, then I’m dragging everyone down with me. Misery loves company, right?
If I don't have debt, then nobody else should have debt either! We should all be riding off into the sunset, so let's balance it all out. Let's all pay for other people's or previous generations mistakes and sacrifices.
If I don't have debt, then nobody else should have debt either! We should all be riding off into the sunset, so let's balance it all out. Let's all pay for other people's or previous generations mistakes and sacrifices.
I’m fine with this, as long as the money stays in America. The whole world is facing tough times, but we’re dealing with our own struggles here too.
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I’m fine with this, as long as the money stays in America. The whole world is facing tough times, but we’re dealing with our own struggles here too.
Seriously though. I want us to have ways to help, but I also don't want to pay for everybody. I dont know who's to say who is deserving, but hopefully we can each make our best choices for those around us. It can't just be free for all. There has to be better checks and balances.

The world facing tough times is nothing new. Those of us lucky enough to be U.S. citizens often have no clue. I agree we should try to help our own 1st though.
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