I can not wrap my mind why they would give him an extension. Golding has admitted his challenges in recruiting while his CUSA peers can recruit and keep teams together (Ritchie McKay; Liberty), get athletic young talent (Antoine Pettway; KSU), and coaches who can rebuild from ash heaps within one season and compete (Jason Hooten; NMSU). And let's not forget hired in one year and won the CUSA tournament (Steve Lutz; WKU).
No way in hell UTEP wins Tuesday, they are playing awful. SHSU is "Oh, thank you Jesus!" after this tournament pairing. So in typical UTEP athletic dept fashion, we will get "We'll see how the summer goes and evaluate the guys....the fans have been super and deserve better....the portal has made things challenging, I didn't have this challenge at ACU....we need guys who can play blah, blah, blah". Meanwhile, Senter will go on Big600 with Kap and throw back handed comments at fans who complain about crappy performance and give boilerplate comments.
Golding needs let go, not resigned nor given "one more year".